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Expansion Work . . . has begun at Jennie Edmundson Hospital's emergency entrance area. The new construction will extend along this west wall and to the terraced bluffs on the south side of the hospital. A lot attendant and painted signs direct…

Operating Machine . . . which makes complete and accurate blood count is Dr. M.H. Kulesh and Miss Rannells Phyliss at Jennie Edmundson Hospital.

Jennie Edmundson Administrator Edward Lynn . . . walks along the bluff overlooking his hospital which is now expanding its facilities.

Aerial photo, looking north from 16th Avenue at about South 17th Street. Railroad roundhouse is at bottom center of photo.

Aerial photo of rural area, looking west.

South Omaha Bridge Road...has experienced many changes in the past five years. Several new buildings have been constructed along the heavily-traveled highway.

About 160 Homes...are planned for this area outside the city limits where Bennett Ave. (the longest one) joins with Franklin Ave. The River Bend Construction Co. plans 119 homes in the area immediately behind the existing line of homes. Thomas…

Aerial photo of a subdivision. (Probably looking northeast from South 10th Street and 28th Avenue; reference: 1950 and 1060 aerial photos, Pottawattamie County GIS hub.)

Aerial photo of Council Bluffs, Missouri River, and eastern Omaha, looking north from Lake Manawa to Carter Lake and the Omaha Municipal Airport

This is how Council Bluffs and part of Omaha look from nine miles up. This photo was take by Mark Hurd Aaerial [sic] Surveys, Inc., of Minneapolis, Minn, which has perfected a method of utilizing a distortion-free camera in a Lear jet plane to take…

Aerial photo of the Council Bluffs City Water Works, looking north from Avenue Q; North 25th Street runs from the bottom center of the photo to the Missouri River at the top center.

There are plenty of off-street parking lots here, this aerial photo of the downtown area reveals. It looks southwest. The wide street is Broadway. At the left foreground is the back view of Broadway Methodist Church. Bayliss Square is near the…

One of the major industries of Council Bluffs--railroading--is evident in this aerial photo. In the foreground is the Burlington roundhouse and yards. Above the yards is Sixteenth Avenue. Main Street is on the right. The track that runs at an…

A fast growing corner of northeast Council Bluffs is running from the bottom of the picture to the two-pronged angle of De Long and Grand Avenues at upper left. North Broadway appears in the distance at the upper right hand corner. Streets running…

Nurses Monitoring Station . . . of new coronary care unit at Jennie Edmundson Hospital is checked by Dr. Nosrat Massih, director, with Mis Lois Gordon, RN, area supervisor at left, and Miss Vasthi Christensen, RN, coordinator of coronary care and…

Arriving At Hospital . . . for treatment are G.H. Smith, 1514 S. 6th St., and Ivan Monrad, 214 S. 34th St., in wheelchair. Dick Christensen, the 'Medi-Bus' driver, helps Monrad down the van's ramp while Raymond Uhlhorn, physical therapist, holds the…

Viewing The Gaping Hole . . . near the Jennie Edmundson Hospital driveway entrance is David Holcomb, assistant administrator.

A Circular Stairway . . . connects the Word Processing Department and the Medical Records Department at the hospital. Holcomb explained the stairway was much cheaper than installing another elevator for the closely-related departments.

This Unique Setting . . . is called a "Conversation Pit" and is located in the Jennie Edmundson doctors' lounge. It is used by doctors or by small groups for discussion periods or coffees. Additional seating arrangements are on the regular level of…

These 30 Young Women . . . will join the ranks of alumnae of the Jennie Edmundson Hospital School of Nursing following graduating exercises Wednesday night. From left, front row, are: Pamela Baumker, Margaret Foreman, Evelyn Hall, Beverly Ross,…
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