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Union_Pacific_Locomotive_ 8444_10_03_1982_002.jpg
Admirers of a past railroad era got a chance Saturday to see the 8444 steam locomotive, which was first used in 1944 to haul freight. The locomotive was brought out of storage by Union Pacific Railroad and displayed at the tracks near the Golden…

Measuring a Flask...of mercury which was one of eight uncovered by treasure searchers at De Soto Bend are Kermit Dybsetter, De Soto Bend Refuge manager, and Jerry Petsche, National Park Service archeologist [sic]. Among other things netted in the…

Beautiful Main Auditorium . . . of new Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is ready for formal opening of church Sunday.

Arches Are In Place . . . and brick work is now under way for the new Riverside Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints at Twenty-eighth Street and Avenue G.

Architect's Sketch . . . of new Riverside Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints to be built at Twenty-ninth Street and Avenue G.

Streets R633.jpg
Stereograph image of Oakland avenue toward Fairview Cemetery, Council Bluffs Iowa.

Robert Anderson. Head shot.

Photograph of Robert Drummond.

Photograph of Robert R. Dygert, Council Bluffs Fire Department.

Aerial C832 (13).tif
Aerial photograph of Robert's Park and Army Reserve

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Roller Coaster.tif
Two photographs of roller coaster at Playland Park

Council Bluffs is treated to a canopy of rolling clouds Saturday morning following a .5 inch rainfall. This picture was taken on Broadway at Fourth Street by Jack Kennedy, Nonpareil photographer.

Thousands of Gallons of Water...used to fight the Roosevelt School fire left steps, the school grounds and streets around the gutted building covered with ice. Firemen fought the blaze in mid-teen temperatures. Other photo on page 2.

School Holiday: A cluster of Roosevelt School students view the building after an early morning fire Monday did between 500,000 and $600,000 damage. About three quarters of the school was destroyed. Story on page 1.

Extreme Heat...from the fire that did between $500,000 and $600,00 damage to Roosevelt School left the interior of the old section twisted. A newer section, completed in 1953, suffered extensive smoke and water damage.

Checking Pledges . . . to Industrial Foundation are Carl Stephens and L.W. Ross, seated; Howard Bessire and Harold Beckman.

Military Misc R683.tif
Photograph of Abraham Lincoln High School ROTC drill. Pottawatomie County Court House in the background.

Photograph of the Rowing Association Club House building at Lake Manawa.
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