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Today...the present First Baptist church occupies the same site at First Av. and S. Sixth St., was built in 1924. History of the Baptist faith in Council Bluffs dates back in 1856. An old story on the church gives the Baptist group credit for…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--In 1889 The Brown Building occupied the space between Main and Pearl Streets in the middle of the 100 block. It housed a plumbing shop, city water works office as well as offices of attorneys on the second and third…

Today...the same space is occupied by The Nonpareil publishing plant. The paper's building was created shortly after fire destroyed the Brown building in the middle 20's.

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--When Broadway was lighted with gas lamps in 1889, the building on the southeast corner of Broadway at Main St. appears to be just one unit with store rooms on first floor and offices on the second and third floors.…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--J.F. Wilcox Florist occupied the location at 521 W. Broadway in the 1890s. Fresh fruit and sodas were also offered by Wilcox, whose shop was decorated with flags and banners for circus day.

Today...the new State Savings Bank building stands at the 521 W. Broadway location., Built during 1946 it opened in early 1947.

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--This is 520 Pearl St., as it appeared in a city report of 1906, and was redrawn by Gail Connelly, 3325 Avenue B. At that time the building was occupied by the Evans Laundry and deliveries were made by horse and wagon.

Today...the same corner is the location of a service Station and a modern business building. This change took place several years ago, but many person about Council Bluffs still remember the old buildings.

Today...the same corner has been revamped, with part of the original building now housing a super market, with parking lot in front. All the building which had occupied Broadway frontage has been removed.
["Council Bluffs Changing Scene" photo…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--In 1950 the big hill at the corner of Fifth Ave. and third St., known as "Gibralter" was attacked by bulldozers for the last time. The hill had been the source of thousands of yards of fill dirt over a period of many…

Discussing Political Issues . . . with Dr. Michael Eggers at a YMCA breakfast in Council Bluffs today, is Rep. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa. Grassley is a candidate for the US Senate from Iowa.

A Broad Grin . . . is a necessity when opening a campaign office. Chuck Grassley flashed his in Council Bluffs this morning.

Discussing Politics . . . are Jim Ross Lightfoot, 5th District congressional candidate, and US Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa. They were at a fundraising breakfast for Lightfoot Wednesday in Council Bluffs.

Charles Grassley: "I spent my life on a farm, and I've never seen a turnip wagon, much less fallen off one."

Name: Charles E. Grassley
Age: 59
Address: New Hartford
Party: Republican
Family: Wife, Barbara; five children.
History: Iowa House of Representatives, 1959-1975; U.S. House of Representatives, 1975-1981; elected to U.S. Senate 1980; re-elected…
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