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History of Treynor.pdf
Book of Treynor history compiled by the Treynor Town & Country Club. 250 pages. Scanned by Treynor Community School District for free online publication with consent from living authors. Printed by the Malvern Leader in Malvern, Iowa.

Jim Frates . . . manager of DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge, demonstrates giant bellows removed from the hull of the steamship Bertrand. Frates said the bellows were used to created extra heat in the boilers of the vessel, which sank more than 100…

Patching A Deteriorating Wall . . . will be a big step toward renovating the Hitchcock House. Discussing the project are, from left, Mayor Bill Worth, the Rev. Melvin Ammon and Michael Audino, director of the Southwest Iowa Planning Council.

The Hitchcock House . . . sheltered escaped slaves who were making their way toward freedom on the Underground Railroad. The house at one time had a pivoting wall that led to a room where slaves hid from their pursuers.

The Hite Center, Council Bluffs IA
August 1989
Hite Center

Fire Fighters - 10-28-1961 Hoagland Lumber Yard & Ford Bldg.tif
Hoagland Lumber yard fire at Seventh and South Main spread to the roof of the Ford Brothers Van and Storage warehouse next door north.

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New Mayor And Family . . . gathered at the Hoden home prior to the City Council's organization meeting Saturday. From left are Mrs. Charles (Patricia) Ferry, Mrs. Hoden, David Edward, 901 N. 35th St., Cheryle holding a photo of Ben Jr., now in…

A Railroad Man Since 1936 . . . Mayor Ben Hoden looks forward to this year as leader of the City Council. He plans to continue many of the projects started in 1970.

City Clerk Elmer Westphal . . . administers the oath of office to Ben Hoden, new city councilman.
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