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Council Bluffs Mayor Tom Hanafan with Omaha Mayor Bernie Simon - January 4, 1987

When Your Father . . . is on the city council, some of its influence can rub off. Shirley Hanafan, 2821 Avenue E, said she thinks it will affect their two children, especially since she thinks they are already leaders.

Rebecca King
- Photo courtesy of Temple Buell College

Rebecca King
- Photo courtesy of Temple Buell College

Becky King
- Photo courtesy of Temple Buell College

Checking Insulation . . . in the Hancock Fire Hall are Mayor Russell Griggs and Fire Chief Lyle Neve. Hancock voters will be asked to approve construction of a new Fire Hall-Town Council Building this summer.

Under Thunder Jug . . . is the rest of the Tri-B operation at Hancock, including the control center in shack, left.

'Fine Tuning' Controls . . . are seen, above, while Bob Emken works on the 'rough' controls.

Hancock Mayor Russell Griggs . . . displays equipment of the Hancock Volunteer Fire Department. This spring the town will make a second try to get rural people to help pay the costs of fire protection for Valley Township. Last fall a vote to levy a…

On Speaking Terms . . . are two men who tied for the job of mayor of Hancock, Pete G. Jacobsen and Russell Griggs.

Formulating Plans . . . to erect a 10-foot-tall sign commemorating Hancock's native daughter, Rebecca Ann King, Miss America 1974, are Everett Pittmann, owner of a local cafe who's donated the top of his building, and Mayor Russell Griggs.

Finishing Touches...on painting are applied by Mrs. Brown.
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