Browse Items (7982 total)

An Evacuation Route . . . is kept open by diking Mills county road G into Bartlett. National Guard trucks shuttle in and out of the flood threatened area.

Desolate And Abandoned . . . farmsteads such as this dotted the flooded sections of Mills and Fremont counties as Missouri River waters spread over much of the bottomland in those two counties.

"Commandeered" County Road . . . north of Highway 34 near the Don Rhoden farm at Pacific Junction is taken over completely by rushing flood waters.

Engulfed In Deep Waters . . . are buildings and a car on a farm occupied by Bertha Smith near Pacific Junction.

Volunteer Helper . . . E.N. Schrimplen of Glenwood lends a hand in moving appliances from the Herb Lincoln home.

A Flood Orphan . . . this Hereford calf peers through the windshield opening in the jeep of its rescuer, Merle Sargent, Pacific Junction farmer. Sargent found the day-old youngster as he patrolled the flood-threatened river levee.

On The Fence Line: Angry overflow waters from the Platte River swirl around fence posts 3 miles east of North Bend, Neb.

Flood Waters Make An Island . . . of adjoining farmsteads a mile north of Ashland as overflow water from Salt Creek surrounds the area.

A Cloud Of Fog . . . rises from the ice jam which has sealed off the mouth of the Boyer River. The jam extends upstream well beyond this bridge, which is near the Leonard Crispin farm.

Flood waters surround grain bins on a farm, April 1960

If 1952 Flood Happened This Year . . . this chart, prepared by the U.S. Corps of Engineers, shows what would happen at Council Bluffs if the Missouri River flood of April 1952 were to happen today. Because Fort Randall is now impounding water, theā€¦

North side of Broadway, looking east from 11th Street

Broadway, between the North Western and Illinois Central railroad tracks

Tank farm south of Council Bluffs, flooded by Mosquito Creek

Railroad switch engine pulling off stuck truck on west side of North Western RR city depot, about 4 p.m.

Looking East on Broadway from Eleventh Street, Council Bluffs, IA

The Poudre in flood, looking west from the Oak Street Bridge, May 21, 1904

Mosquito Creek in foreground, showing levee break into gasoline tanks farm.
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