Browse Items (7982 total)

Artist drawing of proposed casino, convention center

The base of the West Broadway viaduct is a favored 'canvas' for gang graffiti.

Continuous Rolls For Shipment . . . are wound on an overhead reel. The half-inch thick slices are heat sealed at the ends to form the roll and will probably be used for clothing insulation. The plant, started in Council Bluffs 17 years ago, employs…

A Saw Slices . . . the 30-foot long sections of foam to any desired thickness. The machine is operated by Gary Lee, 2224 Fourth Ave. Here he checks the accuracy of his cuts. The machine, operated by push buttons, handles the material on reversible…

The polyurethane foam machine at Future Foam Inc., 400 N 10th St, pumps out mattress material at the rate of 15 feet a minute. The material is 2.5 feet thick, about six feet wide and is cut into 30-foot lengths for handling. The process starts on the…

Future Foam, former National Steel Services building in Council Bluffs, IA

Aerial photo of the 100 acre horticulture experimental farm for southwestern Iowa located about five miles northeast of Council Bluffs, just off Highway 64, August 16, 1955.

Aerial view of the planned 100 acre horticulture experimental farm for southwestern Iowa, located about five miles northeast of Council Bluffs, just off Highway 64.

Additional Land . . . sough by Frito Midwest Co. is part of the treed area beyond the white posts which border Forty-first St. Broadway and the Playland Park roller coaster are on the right.

Former Quaker Baking Co. Building . . . is being refurbished for Frito Midwest Co.

Frito-Lay, Inc. plant in Council Bluffs, IA

Principal Lowell Ranck stands in the driveway of the Fremont-Mills Elementary School. The school's design was chosen for its responsiveness to the educational program, energy conservation, flexibility, durability and aesthetic appeal.

Jay Wheeler, senior, and Raymond Marshall, principal, discuss landscaping plans for the new Fremont-Mills Junior-Senior High School building just south of Tabor. The building, financed by a $745,000 bond issue, was completed in time for occupancy of…

Mrs. Lillian M. Francis, 827 Fourth Ave., painted this rear view scene of buildings in the 300 block on Broadway. Her work won a merit award in an international contest sponsored by a Connecticut art school. Fifty-eight of the 3,207 entries won…

Fort Randall Dam . . . at Pickstown, SD, will be dedicated with considerable fanfare Saturday. The program will mark the completion of the 200 million dollar project designed to help control the Missouri River. Intakes for the power generating…

Soon To Be Evacuated . . . by the ever rising water in Fort Randall's reservoir are these loons, seen nesting in trees that have already been covered by 35 to 40 feet of water. Water in the reservoir is expected to rise another 17 feet by the first…

With A Mighty Roar . . . the impounded Missouri River water surges through 22-foot concrete-lined tunnels under the Fort Randall Dam, courses over the weir into a stilling basin, and then flows down toward Council Bluffs. Fort Randall now has a…

Almost taxed to capacity, the 300-ton overhead crane in the Fort Randall powerhouse lowers the 548,000 pound rotor for the number one generator. First power from the Army Engineers' most advanced of the Missouri River projects will go on the line…

A row of circuit breakers - king size fuses - in the huge switchyard at Fort Randall Dam. One of the largest in the world, the big power dispatching center is 900 feet long and 250 feet wide. Power from the generators is fed to the switchyard through…
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