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Looking At Chart . . . as they cruise on the Missouri River are Ray Huber, Rep. Ben F. Jensen, and Maj. E.R. Preston.

Michealia Vanscoy, radiation therapy technologist, demonstrates the linear accelerator at Jennie Edmundson Memorial Hospital. The unit, used to treat cancer, beams 6 million volts of energy to a specific area with minimal damage to healthy tissue.

Proposed Addition . . . to Jennie Edmundson Hospital would not run parallel to existing buildings. The two-level structure is planned to slant into a hill at the rear of the hospital. An existing power plant at the hospital has been omitted in this…

Discussing Monitor . . . usage for Courtney McPartland are Mrs. Ceci Kiefer, director of patient care at Jennie Edmundson Hospital's Pediatric Department, and the child's mother, Mrs. Jim McPartland.

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Postcard of Jennie Edmundson Hospital

Eight postcards depicting Jennie Edmundson Memorial Hospital.

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Photograph looking out of the entrance to Jennie Edmundson Hospital.

This Unique Setting . . . is called a "Conversation Pit" and is located in the Jennie Edmundson doctors' lounge. It is used by doctors or by small groups for discussion periods or coffees. Additional seating arrangements are on the regular level of…

Classroom Has Folding Doors . . . Pediatrics lecture room in new wing at Jennie Edmundson hospital can be opened for demonstrations by pushing back folding curtain. Demonstration table (right front) features steel lamp. 'Blackboard" is really green…

Premature Nursery Is Glassed In . . . Glass cubicles house 12 incubators and bassinets in the premature nursery of the new Jennie Edmundson hospital wing. Both "premies" and sick newborn babies will be cared for here. Above each is an individual…

Feeling Like A Hotel Guest . . . is an early second floor patient, Mrs. Fern Knight of Malvern. The Rev. Loren Works, hospital chaplain, chats with her. Each room has two-way light unit and oxygen outlet.

Heated Cupboard In Pantry . . . makes serving warm food easy for Mrs. Marie Miller, 630 South First Street. Tray and steam carts to the left are both constructed of steel. Coffee burner and toaster supply quick snacks.

All The Convenience Of A Boudoir . . . is provided by make-up tray in movable table. Mrs. Clara E. Strobehn, chairman of the hospital board, smiles into mirror while Miss Dorothea Ely shows her the two-bed adult room on second floor.
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