A letter to Amelia Bloomer from J.S. Loomis, Independence, Iowa. Writes to tell Mrs. Bloomer that Joseph A. Dugdale of Mt. Pleasant has contacted him re: a state suffrage convention in Mount Pleasant. Writer suggests that any suffrage convention…
A letter to Amelia Bloomer from J.H. Kellom, Omaha, Nebraska. Kellom acknowledges Bloomer's declination to give a lecture, and thanks her for a recommendation for who might speak instead.
AL letter to Amelia Bloomer from J.H. Kellom, Omaha, Nebraska, responding to her declining the invitation to speak because of physical strength. He writes that if he isn't able physically to prepare a lecture, perhaps she could repeat a lecture or…
A post card to Amelia Bloomer from J. Ellen Tash, written from Boston Massachusetts. Responding to Bloomer's letter, re: professional women in Iowa. [no year on post card; postmark date not clear after "188"