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Immersed In Ice a man about to undergo brain surgery. Nurses use paddles to keep ice cubes circulating throughout the tank.

Surgical Team...takes over in an operation that lasted six hours. Instruments shown are hemostats, clamped to the incision to slow bleeding.
[Best_Pictures_Best_Stories_1959_3_8_1959_03.jpg is enlarged version of this photo, measuring 13.5 x 13…

Electronic Thermometer...which instantly records body temperatures is observed constantly while patient is receiving hypothermia treatment.

Gaping Upward...on the hilly Hoover School yard is the hole washed out by heavy rains. The picture was taken from the second playground level.

"Here Lies The Bertrand" is the heading on the wooden tombstone marking the spot where the 100-year-old boat rests 12 feet below water on De Soto National Wildlife Refuge. The marker, designed by Refuge Manager James Salyer, shown with the…

Elaborate Log House . . . is one of the more interesting aspects of the legendary 'Hopkins Hog Ranch" now owned by Earl Root.

Asst. Police Chief Merle Sass...of Missouri Valley steps off distances at the scene of Friday's accident which killed five Southwest Iowa youths and injured two others. Greer auto came to rest (1) after it was in a collision with the Keairnes car…

A Metal Building...begins to crumble and melt as the intense flames, fueled by the wooden elevators, rage out of control Tuesday at Bluffs Elevator Co. Many cars and trucks parked near the elevators were damaged by debris and flames.

Traffic tie-up problems . . . on the Broadway viaduct were minimal during rush hour Friday morning compared to what is expected during the next two to three months. But even with the "minimal" problems, eastbound motorists had to wait awhile to pass…

Prairie_Rose_Lake_and_State_Park_ Shelby_ County_10_30_1960.jpg.jpg
'Keel' is laid: Like the keel of a giant ship, the spillway at Prairie Rose Lake southeast of harlan is beginning to extend up the hill and around behind the dam at the new lake. The spillway will keep the water in the 218-acre lake at a constant…

This Pioneer Home . . . in Hamburg has been purchased by the Methodist Church.

Omaha's Beauty Queen . . . picked from Council Bluffs, is Judy Hall. She will enter the 'Miss Nebraska" contest in June.
Miss Judy Hall . . . wins state title. The 20-year old part-time model in Council Bluffs, was chosen Miss Universe of Iowa at…

Three In A a common arrangement at nursing and custodial homes. These women are occupants of a custodial home, the state's term for places which do not provide medical care.

"Old Rusty"...gets a checkover Thursday from Park Board Commissioner Everett Shockey. The fountain is scheduled to be removed from Bayliss Park.

Crusty Foundation...of Bayliss Park Fountain shows the scars of its 78 years and the fountain bowl now is too feeble to hold water. Officials say something will be done with the fountain soon.

The Tombstone Of Francis Guttau . . . one of the earliest white settlers of Council Bluffs, is inspected in Fairview Cemetery by Robert Knox and his father, William P.

Designation Ceremonies . . . at the former home of Gen. Grenville M. Dodge, 605 Third St., will begin at 3 p.m. today when District Judge Folsom Everest will accept a plaque from the United States Department of the Interior, making the home a…
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