Browse Items (17 total)

  • Tags: automobiles

10 N 37th ST.tif
2 photos of 10 North 37th St.

202 - 210  W Broadway.tif
Two photographs of 202 - 210 West Broadway

330 - 332 W Broadway.tif
Two photographs of 300 - 332 West Broadway

304 W Broadway.tif
Two photographs of 304 West Broadway - Council Bluffs.

Agriculture C 437.tif
Photograph of the Charley Johnson Farm

Combining Operations...along nineteenth St., a rescuer rescues a rescuer. It all started when Nick Cavallaro, 1902 Avenue G, called a wrecker to pull him out of a drift. The wrecker got stuck.

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--This is the scene in the spring of 1921 looking west along Broadway from Seventh St. The dilapidated building at left is a barber shop with a sign in front reading: "Shines...Haircuts...Ur Next." Note the early model…

Dodge, G G464c.tif
Photograph of Grenville M. Dodge at the controls of an electrical car.

December 2009/Jan 2010 Historical Society newsletter.

Wilcox J495e.tif
Photograph of J. F. Wilcox & Sons Inc. parade float.

08-18-1961 Neola Ambulance.tif
Recently purchased by the Neola Fire Department gets final check by Darrell Boyer before being placed in service for use by the department.

Floods s767a.tiff
Photograph of car damaged by fallen tree. Behind the Ogden hotel.

Parking lot Vine.tif
Four photographs of public parking lot at Vine and Bryant
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