Browse Items (7917 total)



Bridge (Interstate 480) Over Missouri River, C.B. to Omaha

Teeth various points in the bridge surface allow for expansion and contraction. Beyond south rail of the new span is Ak-Sar_Ben Bridge, and in distance the Union Pacific Bridge.

Essex IA

Bridge Sites Considered for Span Between C.B. and Omaha

29th Ave. to Spring St. (see separate file on "Bridge, Spring Street"
9th Ave. to Leavenworth
Ave B. to about Capitol
I60 (adjacent to Mormon Bridge)
I480 (see separate file "Bridge…

Parade (270).jpg
Photographs of Pride Week parade and events in Council Bluffs

Parade (229).jpg
Photographs of Pride Week parade and events in Council Bluffs

Parade (149).jpg
Photographs of Pride Week parade and events in Council Bluffs

Parade (3).jpg
Photographs of a parade on Broadway in Council Bluffs

Emerson, IA
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