Browse Items (8063 total)

"Off Watch Below Deck," depicts a typical below-deck scene aboard ship. Off duty, these crewmen write home, mend socks and clothing, and catch up on sleep.

"Greeting the Dawn." Coast guardsmen see a new dawn break over the sea. "Dawn always give you a wonderful feeling of relief," says Gretzer, "because it relieves you of the fear of something happening before you see it."

"Wounded." Transfer of a wounded man from a landing barge to a coast guard manned transport. It was sketched off Salerno, which Gretzer said was the roughest of invasions, as far as the men were concerned.

"Unloading Under Fire." Working in heavy seas, coast guardsmen are shown unloading tins of high test gasoline. Other landing barges await nearby, as operations under fire continue.

"Fire Control," a study of a U.S. coast guardsman on fire control duty aboard ship. The fire control man wears colored glasses to enable him to look into the sun and identify approaching planes.

"Mediterranean Port Scene," says Gretzer, is a typical view of an unnamed Mediterranean port where American fighters and transports give up the bulk from their cavernous holds.

"Beach Party," A beach party from a coast guard-manned combat transport is shown entering an invasion barge. Once ashore, the beach party will set up ship-to-shore communications and help in unloading the barges.

"Self Portrait." Gretzer made this sketch of himself at the wheel of a landing barge. He took part in the invasions of North Africa, Sicily and Italy. Combat artists, like Gretzer, are first of all fighting men. At sea his station was at a 20 mm.…

Discussing Denmark . . . Carol Hennings and Jane Ridgeway admire Juanita Butler's 'swap," a wild rose with Iowa printed on the leaf.

Opening The the newly remodeled Bluffs Towers are Sam Brown Sr., and John Nelson, president and vice president of the Bluffs Homes, Inc. The 69-unit complex for the elderly is now ready for occupation.

Cards In Recreation Bluffs Towers is just one of several planned functions for the many residents at the residence for the elderly, formerly the Hotel Chieftain. These general get-togethers are good mixers and enjoyed by the residents…

Bluffs Towers
First and Pearl
Apts. for Elderly
Formerly Chieftain Hotel

Exterior of Bluffs Towers at 38 Pearl Street

Pointing Out Membership Paul Ryan, Trailblazer district scout executive, with Glen Keller, the 42,000th scout to join the Mid America Council, and Dan Mowry, institutional representative for Troop 3 at Roosevelt School, Glen's troop.

The Old Neumeyer House...just west of Second Street and Broadway has been a hotel since it was built in 1879 by Oscar Neumeyer. The structure originally had 88 rooms, a dining and bar areas on the ground floor and a stable in the rear. The lower…

Small Stores...along Broadway typified the architecture of their day--each different but just about the same. Reminiscent of the "mom and pop" stores of another era, most of the second story apartments have been vacant for a number of years. Now…

The Leading Corner...of the new shopping center planned by Midlands Northern Joint Venture will be the northeast corner of Main Street and Broadway. It now houses Brodkey's Jewelers and Clark Drug Co.

Up The Street...from Woolworth's Store, are Brown's Shoe Fit Co., the Yum Yum Tree Candy Store, Kaypers Clothing, C.R. Fifer Co. hearing aids, Capitol Optical Co., and Calandra Camera Store. Many of the firms have now moved to other locations.

Iowa West racing officials announce the new name of the Council Bluffs Greyhound track Wednesday morning. Left to right are Delbert Reed, general manager of Bluffs Run; John Nelson, president of Iowa West Racing Association; and Stan Duysen,…
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