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  • Tags: Griffin Pressure Pipe Division

Still Hot . . . out of the casting machine, this pipe is being marked by a Griffin Pipe employee. The Griffin plant manufactures ductile iron pipe used primarily in the housing industry.

A 30-ton upper stack, part of the wet scrubber system being installed at Griffin Pipe Co., was raised to the upper cupola of the building Monday afternoon. The upper stack was raised by a crane shipped from Lawrence, Kan., for just that purpose. The…

Roy Miskelley . . . plant engineer, and Carl McCormick, sales manager of Griffin Pipe Products, admire a plaque given the company Wednesday for their efforts in environmental control.

An Outside Consultant . . . tests the emissions from Griffin Pipe Company, which recently installed a new anti-pollution device. Company officials expect the pollutants to be below the 30 pound limits of Iowa law. The white substance coming out of…

Looking Over Final Plans . . . for Griffin Pipe Company's new wet scrubber cleaning system are B.B. Barefoot, president of the manufacturer hired to install the system, Robert Peting and J.C. Moreland.

Twenty-Foot Lengths . . . of cast iron pressure pipe are loaded aboard a freight car at the Griffin Pipe Products Co. plant here, an operating unit of AMSTED Industries.

Cheered By Prospects . . . for industrial expansion here are: Orris Dean, T. Joe Smith and Sam C. Prest. Council Bluffs was picked out of an area from Tacoma, Wash., to the Mississippi River.
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