Miss America For 1974 . . . Rebecca Ann King, who won her state title as Miss Colorado, poses with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wylie King of Hancock, Iowa; her sister, Mary Grace Paulson; and her brother David; after being crowned in Atlantic City,…
Enjoying a view of the campus . . .at Thomas Jefferson High School are Mrs. C. Francis Putnam and daughter, Virginia, with Suzanne Van Well, at right. --Nonpareil Photo.
Railroad buffs, young and old alike, crowded the Chicago and North Western roundhouse yards Friday to see Union Pacific's 'Old 8444' steam locomotive get turned around. The locomotive, delivered to the railroad in 1944, is fired by oil and weighs…
Steel patternwork . . .in the main span of Ak-Sar-Ben Bridge will be partially dismantled and partially floated away late this summer. Robert Hoenig, job superintendent for Industrial Construction Division of Allied Structured Steel Co., surveys the…
Jack Doty, 3005 Avenue J, city employe, was shaking up City Hall as he worked a jack hammer on the old front steps which have been in disrepair for a couple of years. The City Council budgeted $3,000 for replacement of the steps this year, but final…
Epworth Methodist Church is making plans for a Stewardship Crusade to start Tuesday, Feb. 5 and continue through Feb. 10. The Rev. Claire Shupe, Mrs. Lloyd Howland and Dean Ingram are pictured adjusting a sign on the church lawn to emphasize their…