Girl Scouts won't get their feet wet - unless they want to - when they cross a lake at Camp Neyati near Glenwood. Council Bluffs Business and Professional Women donated $670 for this suspension bridge. Only the handrails are left to be installed. …
Drilling into rock about 106 feet below the river, men and machines for Tri-States Drilling Co. are nearing completion of the caissons under pier 9 for the Spring Street Interstate 80 bridge. All other piers with the exception of number 8 in…
Progress on the Highway 375 bridge resurfacing project is inspected by Maurice Pearce, Public Works director and Leo Rechtenbach, job superintendent for Hobe Construction Co., of Sioux City. Workmen have removed about three-fourths of the old…
Swapping set . . . from the Iowa side of the Missouri River, Allied Structural Steel employees will soon be moving to Nebraska to prepare for final demolition of the Ak-Sar-Ben Bridge which overshadows the river scene. --Nonpareil Photo.
Some trusses of the old Ak-Sar-Ben Bridge between Council Bluffs and Omaha on the Missouri Rive were cut loose Friday and lowered to barges moored below. On the other side of the bridge a truss was lowered by the crane mounted on one of the barges.…
tram car (number 51 on front of car) with windows broken, outside the company barn. Ten workmen standing beside car, one inside the car at the front. Painted on the barn are "Council Bluffs" and "Bridge". On the front of the car: O & CB Bridge[?]…
The above view of the city hall construction work shows workmen completing the laying of brick or the first story at the north wing of the building. The roof for this wing was poured early this week.
Brick Work...on the new Franklin School is complete as the building nears occupancy sometime this month. The old Franklin School, in the background, will be torn down once students have moved.
Council Bluffs Police Dept. mug shots, side and front, of murder suspect Ronald Brewer. Slate around his necks reads:
Council Bluffs, IA
Police Dept.
(Date on back of photo is 12-58)
Before The Hearing...Ronald Wayne Brewer talks with his mother, Mrs. Darlene Brewer, and Sheriff Roy Wichael. Behind the sheriff is Brewer's win bror, Donald.