Skimming The Waves...on North Fortieth Street near Avenue G is George Vogel, Jr., 13, hitched to his father's car. The Vogels, 622 N. 40th St., hauled out a makeshift surfboard when the Memorial Day storm created a pond 2 feet deep in the street and…
Dick Dekker, acting works manager at Griffin Pipe Products here checks a new 400-horsepower electric motor designed to increase the fan capacity on the plant's cupola from 75,000 to 93,000 cubic feet-per-minute. The addition is part of efforts to…
"Stewpot Annie" her co-workers jokingly call Mrs. Annie Calton, 3107 Avenue C fills two vacuum jugs from a huge food vat at Roosevelt school kitchen. Soon the jugs will be on their way to feed hungry students.
Small fish . . . are fed by Hansen. The fish are kept in a wire holding cages in one of the quarries. Eager eaters, the small fish gain fast on the commercial feed, are later turned loose in the lake.
An Outside Consultant . . . tests the emissions from Griffin Pipe Company, which recently installed a new anti-pollution device. Company officials expect the pollutants to be below the 30 pound limits of Iowa law. The white substance coming out of…
Billowing Over The Heads . . . of city and Chamber of Commerce leaders is a cloud of steam which is created by treatment of production smoke. A smoke abatement device at the Griffin Pipe Products plant has been in part time use since September while…
After being closed to traffic since February, the Highway 375 bridge over Mosquito Creek was recently opened thus avoiding a pair of roundabout detours. The smoothly resurfaced bridge with new aluminum rails and new deck cost $190,000.
Snow, especially on the roof of the new First Church of the Nazarene sanctuary, is slowing its completion. Even so, an early spring completion is still their goal. As soon as the roof of the structure is again free of snow, volunteers of the…
Call Of too great for these jonquils to be subdued by the snow. Shaking off part of their white coat, the flowers push upward for a breath of the crisp air. This picture was taken on Huntington Avenue.