Dr. Don Bartlette (left) who was born with no upper lip and only a partial nose, gestures as he talks about the love and attention he received from a woman who took him under her wing. Bartlette was the main speaker at a program in recognition of the…
Visiting Her Son...in America is Leela Wanpi Chopra, the mother of Council Bluffs Schools Superintendent Raj Chopra. Mrs. Chopra, with grandson Lucky, 11, daughter-in-law Sue, and granddaughter Komal, 8, looking, is enjoying her first visit from…
Despite the pressures ...of getting adjusted to a new community, the goal-oriented Chopra family has decided that the move to Shawnee Mission, Kan., will be a good experience for them. Members of the Chopra family are, left to right, Dick, Kamol,…
Despite the pressures...of getting adjusted to a new community, the goal-oriented Chopra family has decided that the move to Shawnee Mission, Kan., will be a good experience for them. members of the Chopra family are, left to right, Dick, Jamol,…
Managers Of The Recently Opened Hong Kong Restaurant . . . on Highway 92 are Shui, Wai and Yen Huey, natives of mainland China who now live in Omaha. The restaurant's furnishings are from Hong Kong.