Condominium Development . . . planned at Pierce Street and Franklin Avenue has 20 townhouse units, each individually owned. The 20 owners will be members of a corporation and will govern commonly-owned property such as sidewalks, parking lots and…
This Housing Development Sits . . . on land that was once a grassland on the outskirts of the city. Houses sprung up monthly during the 70s, but the building of new homes in the Council Bluffs area has become stagnate. Many realtors are having more…
Motive power and car shops offices have been combined in new quarters at the Chicago and North Western Railroad diesel shop building on Avenue G. Miss Letha Wadley, general clerk, works at her desk. Former quarters occupied by the two offices were…
Transmitting A List...of eastbound freight cars is Chief Clerk Odell Waffle, Route 4, and Asst. Supt. L.C. McDowell. Information is transmitted directly from punched cards.
Getting Them Rolling Again...was the concern of the first work crews reporting back to the Chicago and North Western Railway Saturday. Inspecting locomotives idled for the last 30 days in the Council Bluffs yards were the Division General Foreman…
A Car Crossing...the railroad on Washboard Road must be within 11 feet of the rail before the driver's line of sight is clear to the curve east of the intersection.
Freight office, left...rebuilt by north Western Railroad in 1953 is now the Railway Inn, a tavern at Eleventh Street and First Avenue. The old passenger depot, right, was torn down shortly after the freight office as completed.
Freight Office, left...rebuilt by the North Western Railroad in 1953 is now the Railway Inn, a tavern at Eleventh Street and First Avenue. The old passenger depot, right, was torn down shortly after the freight office was completed.
Chicago Central & Pacific dual span swing bridge over the Missouri River west of Council Bluffs has been battered by elements and attacked by vandals but still provides steady service for daily trains. In the summer river navigation season, the…
photo of bridge, taken on the bridge and looking straight across it
on back of photo:
file 12/88
Chicago Central & Pacific
Swing-span bridge
Missouri River west of CB