Browse Items (8026 total)

Assembled on the desk of County Att. Matt Walsh is the material gathered in the Carter Lake slaying of Joseph David Nixon, 18, Omaha. Walsh is holding the bloody shirt taken from the home of Larry D. Jackson, 36, Omaha, a suspect. The cans contain…

Examining Gun . . . found near fence are Omaha Police Sgt. John B. Gallagher and Sheriff Gay Stuelke. They were directed to the scene by Larry D. Jackson, held on a murder charge.

A New Cell Module . . . in the Pottawattamie County Jail is viewed by Sheriff Lynn ford. Each of the cellblocks will be color-coded for easy identification in case of emergency. At night, prisoners will move from their common areas to individual…

Keeping Track . . . of prisoners is the job of Judy Peach, a corrections specialist in the new Pottawattamie County Jail. She uses a sophisticated television monitoring system and intercoms to see that prisoners are where they are supposed to be -…

Maximum Security . . . cells are checked by Sid Rasmussen, a corrections specialist team leader in the new jail. Desks, beds and chairs are all built into walls and floors and cannot be moved.

Watching The Monitor . . . at the Pottawattamie County Jail on the fifth floor of the courthouse is Ralph L. Miner, corrections specialist. Each part of the arrest and booking proceedings is videotaped.

Relaxing In The King-Size Living Room . . . Mrs. Gary James and son Jason, 1 year, enjoy the space provided by converting classrooms in the old McClelland School. The living room and connecting dining room were created from two classrooms once…

It May Look . . . like a schoolhouse on the outside, but "Cottonwood Hill" instead of "McClelland School" over the door gives you a clue to the changed look of the interior. Gary James claims the brick walls of the building are three feet thick.

This Modern Kitchen . . . where Mrs. Gary James is cooking another meal for her family, certainly doesn't look like a former classroom.

Front Parlor Ceiling . . . is decorated by cherubs supporting scroll with initials A.A. C. The paintings are believed to have been commissioned by Al Clark, who once lived in the apartments.

Ornate Chandelier . . . now tarnished and damaged still hangs in the parlor. Part of the painted friezes decorating the rooms can be seen behind it.

Demolition Order . . . applies to this three-story structure in downtown Council Bluffs, a landmark dating back to Civil War times.
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