The Charter . . . of the Labor Temple Association is inspected Wednesday by Arene Hansen, Harlan Hughes and Jack O'Hara. The temple is closing its doors after 25 years.
Looking At Scrapbook . . . commemorating 50 years of the Council Bluffs Jaycees are, seated, John f. "Jack" Wilcox Jr., the first president, and David L. Long, 1983-84 president.
One of the two greenhouse plants operated by Fred L. Lainson is at Ninth Avenue and Twenty-ninth Street. It has 100,000 square feet of glass. A partial view is shown above.
Specializing in sweet peas and snapdragons, C. E. Hinman operates four greenhouses (above) on McPherson Avenue. The plant has been in operation for four years.
Eighty-five thousand square feet of glass make up the greenhouses operated by John T. Walton, 500 North Twenty-sixth street. Shown above, the Walton greenhouses were formerly the Reams plant. The transfer of the property by sale was by the Harry C.…
Frank L. Lainson, wholesale and retail florist, operates two separate plants. The above is a section of the one on Canning street, which has 150,000 square feet of glass.
The Frank Hecht nursery is one of the beauty spots of Council Bluffs. Twenty years ago the tract on which the nursery is located consisted of brush-covered hills and trash-filled hollows. In the spring the hills about the nursery are covered with…
One mile east of Council Bluffs on highway No. 7 are to be found the greenhouses of George Wilcox and sons. Principal products of the plant are vegetables. There are five greenhouses.
This "ocean of glass" at 1132 East Pierce street represents fifty-four of the fifty-six greenhouses operated by J.F. Wilcox and sons. The business was established in 1867.