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Mailyn Colwell, 3607 Twin City Drive, secretary: We could drum up more interest if the events were put on television. The merchants of the town could contribute to publicity also.

Children at desks with a cake that says "Thank you Mark for saving my mommy's life."


Photograph of the Masonic Temple. East side of Fourth Street at Broadway Intersection. State Bank and Trust Drive in entry on this site.

Societies M376.tif
Photograph of the Masonic Temple at 508-510 West Broadway also the Western Iowa College.

Fighting Losing Battle...with a snow shovel are Linda McKay and Barbara Stroud, who live at 830 E. Pierce St.

Max can be . . . just like an oversized puppy sometimes, as maintenance worker, Bill Beasley, demonstrates. He loves attention from Halverson Center employees, even if it means being picked up and held.

On those occasions . . . when Max is allowed inside the educational services building, he simply blends into the office routine, according to Pauline Longnecker, above. She goes about her duties and gives Max an occasional treat for good behavior.…

Courthouse tower . . .may be removed. The tower, from the base of the Statue of Justice is 100 feet high. --Nonpareil Photo.
McAtee's Fire - Fireman J. Wright and C. Lynch severely injured when aerial ladder fell.

Fire Department McAtees Better Foods.tif
Photograph of a fire at McAtees Better Foods in Council Bluffs.

Choosing Puppets...for Saturday's show are Ministers Bill Stewart and Mark Foor

Fifth Avenue Methodist Church . . . was organized in 1889.

Adjusting Crosses . . . that adorn the wall behind the pulpit of First Church of the Nazarene chapel is the Rev. A.D. Foster, designer and builder of the religious symbol wall piece. With him is Ms. Donna Mower, church secretary.

In Memoriam . . . The Mills County Vietnam Memorial was dedicated in Glenwood Friday as a gift from the people of the county to honor those who served in the Vietnam conflict. An open house at the Glenwood American Legion followed the dedication…

Memorial Sermon Amelia Bloomer 1895 ocr.pdf
Memorial Sermon on the Death of Mrs. Amelia Bloomer Delivered in St. Pauls Church, Council Bluffs, Iowa, January 13, 1895 by the Rev. Eugene J. Babcock.

Admiring Memorial...marker which records historical statistics of church is Mrs. Arthur (Gertrude) Bostedt and the Rev. Donald Arthur.

Filling Bottles . . . with wine made from grapes grown in the area is an employee of the Council Bluffs Grape Growers Association. The picture was taken in early 1970 when the association was still in fill operation.
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