De Soto Nat'l Wildlife Refuge #2 - 1980's (-1990's)
Upset over treatment of DeSoto. No date.
Avian cholera outbreak claims 2,300 birds at DeSoto refuge. January 13, 1980
DeSoto planning to burn fields. March 30, 1980
To exhibit Bertrand…
A sound plan at DeSoto Bend. (May 5)
By Otto Knauth. The DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge lake will be reopened . . . No date.
By Otto Knauth. Iowa turned down an "informal proposal" . . . No date.
By Otto Knauth. Should Iowa’s DeSoto National…
Likeness of De Smet's map of the Council Bluffs, Iowa area, 1839. De Smet's mission is labeled "St. Joseph's", The area labeled 'Caldwell's Camp' was a Potawatomi village led by Sauganash; this was at or near the later town of Kanesville, the…