Maintenance At Bloomer School...includes changing of worn out lamps in the lighting system. George Knudson, 204 West Orchard Ave., handles this job. Buildings and grounds Supervisor Bill Ross explained that many of maintenance jobs done in the…
Bridge Work . . . continues through the winter months on the relocation of Highway 34 south of Glenwood. The highway is being rerouted around Glenwood to Interstate Highway 29 through the bluffs south of town. Most of the grading for the project has…
Invading the Missouri River . . . near Pierre, S.D., is Oahe Dam, now 5 percent complete. Pyramid of earth in upper center is completed 1,500-foot section of dam. Sheet pile cut-off wall shown being driven in trench to right of square embankment…
First Harnessing of Missouri River . . . in South Dakota was completed this year at Fort Randall Dam. All Missouri River water is now flowing through tubes in main embankment at left. Closure section built this year is at center. - Army Photo
Readers who squint--and squint hard--and imagine themselves atop a railroad trestle looking over the yards, can almost believe that these old ties are long, shiny-white passenger trains coming from the passenger station. The damages rails, unlike…
Making A Bid...for the Democratic nomination against Jimmy Carter and Sen. Kennedy is California Gov. Jerry Brown. The governor said in his Southwest Iowa stop that he had ideas of how to solve the nation's energy shortage, among other things.
Making A Grand Entry...through the West Graham Ave. portals are a kindergarten group led by Johnny Shriver and Marlee Hayworth. Opening of Pusey wrapped up the nine-project expansion program for lower grade buildings financed by a $1,250,000 bond…
New owners of Centre Point mall want to take over ownership of public walkways in the mall from the city in an effort to curb rowdyism and enhance mall security.