Judging from the expression on Dachsie's face, the treatment is worse than the flu bug. But, like a lot of two-legged specimens these days, the 7-year-old dachshund has to sniffle and bear it. Her owner, Nonpareil photographer Jack Kennedy, 225…
Pointing out . . . ornate detailing on a clock in the Dodge Library, Mosher notes Victorian penchant for decoration. "They applied decoration to almost anything," she said. "They loved ornament." Library is among the most authentic rooms in house,…
The Dodge family silver tea service is viewed Monday at Council Bluffs Savings Bank by Penny Chatfield, Dodge House director, Ed Spetman, bank president and chairman of the Dodge House Board of Trustees and Richard Graeme, board treasurer-secretary.…
Know Your Scenes: This imposing bronze figure is the city's most famous statue and, appropriately, is associated with one of the best known families in Council Bluffs history. Can you identify it? the answer appears elsewhere on this page.