A letter to Amelia Bloomer from E.F. Ellot, West Point, Nebraska, declining the appointment to the Executive Committee of the Women's N.Y. State Temperance Society, but expressing support for the cause of temperance.
Letter to Amelia Bloomer from Elizabeth M. Chamberlain, New York. Inquires of Bloomer's health and travel home, and reports on health of Mrs. Hastings. Expresses wish that they had had more time to talk.
A letter to Amelia Bloomer from Erasmus M. Carrell, Editor and Publisher of the Western Women's Journal in Lincoln, Nebraska. Accompanying a copy of the Western Women's Journal and requesting to put her name on the list of Editorial Contributors.
A letter to Amelia Bloomer from Ewing and Sara F. Summers, West Liberty, Iowa. The Summers' offer their willingness to help canvas Iowa on behalf of women's suffrage, and to add their names to any call for a state suffrage convention.
A letter from the Fort Madison Library Association certifying that on March 15, 1873, Amelia Bloomer was elected an honorary member of the Association.