Busy Workmen hustle about the fairgrounds at Dodge Park Monday, building fences, driving stakes and setting up tents for the opening of the West Pottawattamie County Fair. Livestock entries and agriculture exhibits will be in place at 9 a.m.…
Sunlight And Shadows...and a girl give Prairie Rose State Park near Harlan a look of lake-and-woods enchantment. The silhouetted girl cleaning mud from bare feet is Marty Andreasen, Harlan High senior.
Stretching toward a lost horizon, ice locked Lake Manawa reflects a dying December sunset in this view from the northeast shore. Half shrouded by the cold gloom, deserted Campbell's boat dock waits in vain for fair weather fishermen to come and…
When the sun set west of this farm near Quick, cold rays bold-trimmed the clouds that cry of winter as they cross the Iowa sky. And the feed-stocked silo raised a stiff, silent finger in defense.
Workers Investigate...the best method of pulling this entanglement of freight cars apart. The derailment occurred when a rail broke on a feeder line of the Chicago and North Western at the north edge of Council Bluffs.
Lakeside Pileup: A piggyback trailer, full of hams, lies on its side only feet away from the pond in Lakeside Park at the north edge of Council Bluffs. The boxcar above is lying on another freight car, behind the trailer. The eight-car derailment…
General Dodge Papers - The War Period, Book 6
May 1866 (partial, please refer to "General Dodge Papers - Book 5 - April to May 1866" for the remainder)
Missing title page of Book 6.
For an index for Book 6, please refer to the "General Dodge…
Collapsed Greenhouse...owned by Clarence L. Hardiman sprawls in a heap of framing and glass after it toppled under the weight of snow Thursday on North Fifteenth Street.
Dressed For The Season...is Sheron Ganey, 3, as she views a tree limb that fell on her family's car. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ganey, 220 N. 6th St.
Photo of wreckage from accident with garbage truck and auto transport, with two men examining wreckage. Photo not used in the newspaper story, but associated with "Work Hour To Free Trapped Truck Driver," Daily Nonpareil 10-16-1961. Trapped driver…