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  • Tags: 1976

1976 Yearbook (Annual) of Lewis Central High School.

Volume 15.

1976 Yearbook (annual) of Underwood High School.

1976 yearbook (annual) of Tri-Center High School

Fire Department Moonlight Madness 1976.tif
Council Bluffs Fire Department Moonlight Madness event.

Fire Fighters - 2-5-1976.tif
Sifting through the smoking remains of the office area of Warren Feed and Grain Co. are three Council Bluffs firefighters. The one story building was almost totally consumed by the blazing inferno in about an hour although thousands of gallons of…

Tags: ,

02-05-1976 Fire glows 100 %.tif
Photograph of fire at 900 S. 8th St.

1976 Yearbook (Annual) of St. Albert High School.

Volume 10.

1976 Yearbook (Annual) of Thomas Jefferson High School.

Volume 52.

Malls O465.tif
Photograph of the exterior of the Omni Center, Council Bluffs.

1976 Yearbook (Annual) of Abraham Lincoln High School.

Volume 78.
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