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Reels Cemetery southeast of Honey Creek, Iowa
November 4, 1962

On Speaker's Tinley School dedication are, left to right: Mrs. Glen Hammel, Mrs. Edna Hoesly, John LeRoy Peterson, Harold Beckman and C. Francis Putnam, at the microphone.

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Group photograph of the Honor Society at Abraham Lincoln High School.

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Group photograph of the Honor Society at Abraham Lincoln High School.

Miss Nebraska, Miss Iowa . . . and now princess for the Ak-Sar-Ben ball is Miss Kay Nielson.

Renovation and construction at Hoover Elementary, 1205 North Broadway, is estimated to cost about $1.77 million. Hoover is one of four buildings included in Phase 1 of the Council Bluffs Community Schools' Elementary Improvement Program. Work at…

Renovation and construction at Hoover Elementary, 1205 North Broadway, is estimated to cost about $1.77 million. Hoover is one of four buildings included in Phase 1 of the Council Bluffs Community Schools' Elementary Improvement Program. Work at…

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Photograph of Herbert C. Hoover Grade School in Council Bluffs (Iowa).

Custodian Ernie Reninger...starts to clean up the mess in one of two rooms at Hoover School which were damaged by fire early Tuesday morning. Larry Dagit, school district business manager, looks over the situation.

"Slightly Spooky" described Eulalia and Becky Shanks, 7 and 4 respectively, daughters of Mrs. Geraldine Shanks, 2420 W. Broadway, as they peer over the top of their jack-'o-lantern in preparation for Halloween this Thursday night. Nonpareil…

A globe, welded by students at the Career Center, lies in a Council Bluffs warehouse although it was to be erected in the community last year, Carmen Gioiello, executive director of student and community relations for Council Bluffs Schools, is shown…

Hoping To Keep . . . the Iowa Association of Realtors traveling trophy for outstanding overall display in Council Bluffs is Realtor Gail A. Clinkenbeard Jr. and Lucille Dempster, the secretary to the Greater Council Bluffs Board of Realtors. The two…

Towering Walnut Trees . . . shaded the comfortable hideaway of Mr. and Mrs. Berne Hopkins south of Council Bluffs. The three-story log cabin was left over from the Omaha Trans-Mississippi Exposition of 1898 and was moved to the site by Ben Marks,…

Water Tank . . . on the Hopkins ranch was kept white and shiny by some of the crew. Powerhouse was at the base of tower.

The Ranch Manager . . . J.S. Cusak and his family lived in this house on the ranch. Cusak was assistant director of the venture.
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