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Gregory Reeder City Engineer Photo 2.jpg
Photograph of City Engineer Greg Reeder from the files of the Daily Nonpareil.

Gregory Reeder City Engineer Photo 1.jpg
Photograph of Greg Reeder, City Engineer of Council Bluffs from the files of the Daily Nonpareil.

Dole, Robert J & Elizabeth

Robert Dole 's visit to Council Bluffs

Elizabeth Dole in Council Bluffs for her husband's campaign

Elizabeth Dole: Gave Bush high marks in Thursday's debate with Geraldine Ferraro

CB Dir 1869-70 start front cover end back cover ocr.pdf
J. M. Wolfe's Council Bluffs Directory for 1869-70.

Containing a description of the city, a complete alphabetical list of all business firms and private citizens, a classified business directory, city and county officers, public schools, fire…

CB Dir 1869 start front cover end back cover ocr.pdf
Bushnell's Business and Resident Directory of Council Bluffs, 1869.

Containing an epitome of the early history of the state, county, and city; a list of county and city officers; a street and business and resident directory; a brief description…

CB_CD_1868 ocr.pdf
Bushnell's Business and Resident Directory of Council Bluffs, 1868.

Containing a history and general review of the city and what it contains. Also a map of city and railroads. July 1, 1868. Compiled and published by Joseph P. Bushnell.

The old Dohany Theater, scene of some of Council Bluffs' most brilliant gatherings in the past was damaged by fire late Saturday night. The fire damaged the stage of the theater which is still in much the same condition it was when the theater was in…

Dohany's Opera House . . . was the predecessor of the Strand Theater at Broadway and Sixth Street. This illustration is from a souvenir book of Council Bluffs scenes printed about 1900. It includes little history of the building. The Nonpareil's…

The Ruth Anne Dodge Memorial covered in paint by vandals

A winter view of the Ruth Anne Dodge Memorial at Fairview Cemetery
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