Browse Items (7958 total)

Vacated By The Railroad...this section of the Burlington Freight Depot will be leased to a local concern for warehouse storage.

A Proposal To Raze...old Lake School on North Broadway will be presented to the School Board. The Council Bluffs schools facilities committee Tuesday approved plans to recommend razing the structure.

Firemen With Hose . . . battle their way into the burning building as heavy black smoke pours skyward.

Smoke Pours From Openings . . . in the building at 1401 S. Main St. This is the east side of the structure.

Harry Wendt and Lawrence "Babe" Kohlscheen prepare to paint the exterior of a house which will become a Victorian Bed and Breakfast Inn that will offer antique-furnished rooms in the restored turn-of-the-century house in Avoca.

Alarm's Brain . . . was this copper, brass, glass and white marble beauty known as a repeater. All 40 street fire alarm boxes were monitored through the device. Ticker tape punched out code to correspond to alarm box number.

Button Box . . . on the right is demonstrated by Asst. Fire Chief Norman Elgan. Disks inserted in the box would cause the other station's gongs, like one on left, to ring out the fire's location.

Raymond Lintell . . . president of the Mills County Historical Society, leans against a 1929 Ford pickup once used by the Glenwood Transit Lines Inc., as he surveys the collection of agricultural equipment and machinery in the latest addition to the…

First United Presbyterian Church, 634 Willow Ave. is doomed for destruction. The Rev. David McCalmont, pastor of the church is standing at its front entrance which has not been used for the past month. The congregation voted unanimously Sunday to…

Ol' Chance...may be a senior citizen in the canine world but to his master, Charles Thacjer, he's still top dog. The two met "by chance" 15 years ago.

End Of The Line . . . for autos that have been stripped of useable parts is in the burner where fumes and smoke are washed into a filter basin while the car is torched of all but the metal. The metals are then delivered to a junk yard.

On The Hot Line . . . Darrell Schoening talks to other members of the Omaha and Council Bluffs Auto and Truck Recyclers Association, all 25 of whom are connected to "hot line" service. He's in search for a part that's not in stock in his yard.…

Keeping up to date on auto salvage parts for late model autos is a big job. Darrell Schoening, operator of the Hi-Way 92 Auto Salvage, is quick to explain that his business is not a "junk yard." Even current models are found in the yard. Purchased…

(Top) Old Capitol Today . . . after more than 100 years of service to SUI, overlooks a campus of more than 100 modern buildings.

(Bottom) Strength And Grace . . . typify the hanging spiral staircase with its unique reverse curve. The staircase…

A.L. students...Diane Elgan and Nancy Smith admire the battle-scarred, Civil War cannon recently planted in the new school's courtyard.

The Burlington Railroad Depot...has been purchased by Blue Star Foods Inc. whose main plant and offices are located across the street from the 79-year-old building. The depot has been used as a freight office since the advent of the Amtrak system and…

Churches O433.tif
Photograph of the old Broadway Methodist Episcopal Church. Corner of First and Broadway.

Trains, like the one at top, have steamed across this bridge for nearly nine decades. It is the Illinois Central Gulf Railroad swing bridge. The Council Bluffs span was built in 1893. A second span, on the Omaha side, was built in 1904 when the…

The old Illinois Central railroad bridge on the north edge of Council Bluffs has been a swinger for nearly a century. This old photo (top) shows ladies with parasols crossing the bridge on foot. Below, a bridge tender uses the same route but for a…

The 79-year-old remains of the Ak-Sar-Ben Bridge, blasted into the water last Saturday, were being cut up for scrap Wednesday by workmen for Allied Structured Steel of Hammond, Ind. The 100,000 tons of steel will be sliced into smaller sections for…
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