Beebeetown, the "biggest little town in Harrison County," celebrated its 100th birthday Saturday with a centennial parage viewed by nearly 4,000 spectators. About 80 units in the parade traveled a parade route of more than a mile, starting and…
Bellevue GAR Memorial Toll Bridge...may get a new lease on life when Interstate 29 south of Council Bluffs opens. This is the upstream view from the new park south of Highway 370. Stacks of the Loup River Power District rise in the left of the…
Ditching operations for a new Bennett Avenue sewer line are shown under way Monday. This view of the project shows the line running northwest toward Bennett Avenue and the new Eastside Junior High from Mosquito Creek. The sewer will serve the…
Bob Bensley admires his flag creation. "It took 10 years to find just the right shade of colors," he said. Bensley used 901 pencils to make his creation.