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Bridges R355a.tif
Photograph of a train crossing the Missouri River.

Cars Tied strike at the Council Bluffs yards of Union Pacific total about 1,200. Some are shown here, looking west from the U.P. yard tower. -Nonpareil Photo.

Looking south on Main Street. In the background is the Town Clock, the unofficial symbol of Dubuque. Relocated in a plaza in 1971, the clock is the hub of a downtown area undergoing redevelopment partially spurred by the track.
Quint 32
Quint 22

Business Q566.tif
Photograph of the creek behind Quinn's Lumber Yard on 200 and Vine in Council Bluffs, Iowa.

Richard D. Hogan, minister of First Christian Church and president of the Council Bluffs Ministerial Association relaxes in the Quiet Room at Jennie Edmundson Hospital. The Quiet Room is a special parlor sponsored by the Ministerial Association to…

Federal Judge William Riley brought a $78,000 damage case to a sudden close when he ordered the jury to bring in a decision favoring Wayne Rhode of Tabor. Rhode's nephew, Lyman H. Elefson, had charged his uncle with maliciously causing his arrest in…

The old army game had already started at the Armory Saturday morning as three men from the Fairfield detachment, Jack Zierlien, John Hay, and Frank R. Danielson, settle down in a corner to guard some of the medical division's equipment.

Getting ready . . . Queen Karen's going somewhere at last. -Nonpareil Photo.

Adele Berry (center), senior from Fort Dodge, was crowned Iowa State University's 1966 "Queen of Queens" Thursday at Ames in ceremonies opening the annual ISU Veishea festival. Miss Berry's attendants are Janet Longston (left), junior from Memphis,…

Photograph of the quarters of Company "C," 2nd Nebraska Volunteer Infantry at Camp George H. Thomas, Chickamanga Park.

Business Q354.tif
Photograph of Quaker Baking Company, Council Bluffs, with trucks lined up outside.

U.S. Rep. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa was hard at work Friday at Iowa Nebraska Xpress truck terminal. He took the job moving freight to learn more about the transportation needs of the Council Bluffs-Omaha area, he said. Harkin gets direction from Terminal…

Assistant Purchasing Agents Leonard Brugenhemke tries new Civil Patrol helmet on Police Chief Earl Miller. Helmets were purchased at cost of 70¢

Garage mechanics keep city equipment in first class condition. Garage Department and City Hall Maintenance come under Purchasing Agent's supervision.

Pumping the main operation now in the search for treasure aboard the sunken Bertrand. Watching pipe lifted out of deep hole is Sam Corbin, one of the two treasure hunters.

Completely sand-bagged against the threat of Missouri river flood water is the Council Bluffs waterworks pumping station, located just a few feet away from the stream. Pumping equipment inside the station is located in deep concrete pits, well below…
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