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The Bumpy Road At Big one of the areas scheduled for paving this summer under the city's schedule. here the sign introducing picnickers and fishermen to the area guards the meandering road that disappears over the levee in the distance. …

Participating in Wednesday's dedication of the fountain at the Ruth Anne Dodge Memorial were, from left, Mayor Tom Hanafan, Council Bluffs Arts Council President Phyllis Otto, Hitchcock Foundation President Denman Kountze, Council member Jane Peters…

Participating in Wednesday's dedication of the fountain at the Ruth Anne Dodge Memorial were, from left, Mayor Tom Hanafan, Council Bluffs Arts Council President Phyllis Otto, Hitchcock Foundation President Denman Kountze, Council member Jane Peters…

The Black Angel . . . located near Lafayette Avenue and North Second Street was dedicated to the late Mrs. Grenville M. Dodge in 1920. At that time the statue was bronze, but through the years the weather has changed her to black. Now the weather has…

Two years of research...and hundreds of field drawings have resulted in this artist's version of what the Missouri steamboat Bertrand looked like in 1864.

The 1,500-Gallon Tanker...moves out of the Carter Lake Fire Department building on its way to a blaze. The bright yellow tanker, formerly an army vehicle, was rebuilt by department members. The firefighters moved into their new building last July.

The Kursaal Dance Hall at Lake Manawa

aerial photo of Bennett Avenue area, after development (1970)

aerial photo of Bennett Avenue area before development (1959)

Continuous Rolls For Shipment . . . are wound on an overhead reel. The half-inch thick slices are heat sealed at the ends to form the roll and will probably be used for clothing insulation. The plant, started in Council Bluffs 17 years ago, employs…

A Saw Slices . . . the 30-foot long sections of foam to any desired thickness. The machine is operated by Gary Lee, 2224 Fourth Ave. Here he checks the accuracy of his cuts. The machine, operated by push buttons, handles the material on reversible…

The polyurethane foam machine at Future Foam Inc., 400 N 10th St, pumps out mattress material at the rate of 15 feet a minute. The material is 2.5 feet thick, about six feet wide and is cut into 30-foot lengths for handling. The process starts on the…

1-Simons - Texas Ranger & Dodge, G.M. & N.P..tif
Photograph of a Texas Ranger

Straining Under The Weight . . . as he attempts to pull a 50 foot section of hose to the top of the training tower is Alan Knott, Omaha. Firefighter Mike Mattox stands by.

Bridges T476b.tif
Child walking across terminal railroad bridge.

Bridges T476a.tif
Terminal Bridge over Missouri River.

Telegram to Amelia Bloomer from J.A. Callen, Oregon, Missouri. Asks if Bloomer can speak there on the fourth and, if so, to state terms.

Scuba Divers...bubble near the surface of the pond covering the sunken steamboatd Bertrand at the DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge. Marker at left informs visitors of the century-old boat's remains. The three-man scuba diving team is determining how…
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