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Cornerstone identifies the home of a Council Bluffs lodge. Members should be able to recognize it immediately.

Answer: The cornerstone belongs to Council Bluffs Elks Lodge 531 at 530 First Ave.

This handsome plaque is fastened to the brick wall near the doorway of one of the newer buildings in Council Bluffs. Several hundred persons pass it daily during their regular business trips to the building. Can you identify the location?


Stately columns frame the entrance to one of Iowa's most renowned places of learning. Recognize it?

Answer: The entrance to the main building at Iowa School for the Deaf.

On a cold December day, this mechanical installation appears to be a long way from necessary. But it is a vital part of an important industry. Recognize it?

Answer: Ice loading machinery at the Pacific Fruit Express dock, 3300 Fourteenth Ave.

One of the city's best know monument bears tribute to a teacher who became a colonel in the 23rd Iowa Infantry and was killed in a Civil War battle. Recognize the man and the monument?

Answer: The Col. William Kinsman monument in Fairview…

This remarkable steeple is considered one of the more authentic examples of Gothic architecture in town. The steeple and church were erected in 1931 to serve a congregation organized nearly 80 years ago. Where is it?

Answer: St. Paul's Lutheran…

This imposing monument commemorates the heroism of an early Council Bluffs resident who met his death on a Civil War battlefield. It was erected in 1902 by "his comrades and school children of Council Bluffs."

Answer: The Col. William H. Kinsman…

The camera angle makes a towering landmark appear to be shooting up from the top of a small mountain. Actually, the rock pile is nearly a block away from the landmark. Can you identify the combination?

Answer: The hill is a pile of rock aggregate…

This historic marker was erected in 1934, but few residents, even though they recognize it, can tell you where it is today. The marker stands near the spot where a trailblazing missionary ministered to the Potawattomie Indians in 1838-1840. The…

With a little imagination, this futuristic symbol could be mistaken for a monument to the Atomic Age. Actually, it pays tribute to a group of patriotic Americans who were far removed from the field of nuclear physics. What is it?

Answer: The…

Most city dwellers should have a pretty good idea of what this concrete slab represents. Unless they have been around town a while they may have trouble placing the location. Where is it?

Answer: The abandoned Water Works pumping station on North…

Nearly everyone in Pottawattamie County has strolled past this stone marker at one time or another. Only on the rarest occasions does anyone stop long enough to read the inscription, which gives a capsule history of a prominent downtown landmark.…

Viewed from this angle, an observer might expect King Arthur and his knights of the Round Table to come dashing out of the doors of this bastion? The building was constructed in the 1880s as part of the public school system. What is it?


Once this was the entrance to a showplace family residence, later it became the headquarters for a group of women engaged in religious work. The gates now lead to a girls' academy. Where is it?

Answer: The Broadway entrance to Mount Loretto…

It took 5 days to erect this monument in 1939. Towering 56 feet above the ground, it commemorates an incident in railroad history that had a vital effect on the development of Council Bluffs. The late Jack Boyne, city engineer, designed the monument.…

This metal plaque was erected in 1952 to mark one of the most important accomplishments in the life of the community. It was designed by the late Frank Jensen, manager of the Water Works. The design features two dolphins entwined around a trident, a…

This picturesque entrance should be quickly recognized by members of a number of lodges in town. Nonmembers may find it easy to spot because of its prominent location. Can you identify it?

Answer: Entrance to the Masonic Temple auditorium, Fourth…

This cornerstone marks two important milestones in the history of one of this city's oldest churches. Can you interpret the dates and identify the location?

Answer: It is the cornerstone of First Congregational Church, 611 First Ave. Founded in…

Beneath this fellow's hard exterior are the regulation working clothes of a fireman. Helmet, boots and raincoat were covered with concrete to form the framework. Can you locate the landmark?

Answer: The concrete fireman decorates the grounds of…

Here's a well-preserved example of enthusiasm in nineteenth century architecture, noteworthy for its emphasis on deep, overhanging eaves and fancy "gingerbread" trimming. Can you identify the building?

Answer: The building constructed in 1877 is…
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