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Historical Society of Pottawattamie County Member Journal
August 2002 Historical Society newsletter
Historical Society of Pottawattamie County Member Journal
May/June 2011 Historical Society newsletter.
Tags: history, Indian Creek, Ogden Hotel, Squirrel Cage Jail
Council Bluffs Business District
Bird's eye view of business section. Shows Old Ogden Hotel in left foreground and Old High School in background
Tags: 1875, aerial, buildings, Business, high schools, Ogden Hotel, photograph
Ogden Hotel
Reproduction of a photograph of the exterior of the Ogden Hotel.
Tags: 1975, buildings, Business, Hotels, Ogden Hotel, photograph
Ogden Hotel
Four photographs of the Ogden Hotel Building - Southeast corner of Park Ave and Broadway. One photo of Ogden Hotel site.
Tags: Broadway, Ogden Hotel
Ogden Hotel
23 color slides of the interior and exterior of the Ogden Hotel. Taken from June, 1966 to July, 1967.
Tags: buildings, Hotels, interior, Ogden Hotel
Today...the building occupies the same site, but the name has been changed to Ogden Hotel. Its appearance has changed considerably. Part of the fourth floor was burned by a fire in 1871 and the rest of the building has been remodeled. The building…
Council Bluffs Changing Scene
Council Bluffs Changing Scene--A "taxi" of 75 years ago, more commonly known as a hack or one-seated coupe, was pictured alongside the Ogden Hotel. The hack was owned and operated by the Wm. Welch Transfer Company with offices in the Ogden. The…
Today...alongside the Ogden Hotel stands a modern version of the taxis that ply the streets of the city, with traffic patrolman J.P. Tighe standing in just for the picture. Cab driver is Robert Hettinger, 2837 S. 7th St.
Tags: cabs, J.P. Tighe, Ogden Hotel, Robert Hettinger, taxis
Council Bluffs Aerial Views
Aerial photo of Broadway, looking northeast from 8th Street. Landmarks shown include: Post Office/Federal Building, Bayliss Park, the Park Building, the Ogden Hotel, City Auditorium, and First Methodist Church.
Council Bluffs Aerial Views
Aerial photo of Council Bluffs, looking southeast. West Broadway stretches from the center right of the photo at 8th Street) past First Street to East Broadway on the upper left. Landmarks pictured include Bayliss Park, the old Public Library, the…
Know Your Scenes:
If anyone wants to borrow a good balcony with a long background, this is it. For nearly a century it has overlooked downtown Broadway. Know the location?
Answer: The Ogden Hotel, 169 W. Broadway.
Answer: The Ogden Hotel, 169 W. Broadway.
Tags: Know Your Scenes, Ogden Hotel