Taking The Oath Of Office . . . from City Clerk Elmer Westphal Saturday is Mayor Ben Hoden who was elected by other city councilmen to the one-year post. Past Mayor John Pogge was elected mayor pro tem.
Photograph of Old City Roller Mill at Washington Ave. and Bryant. Picture taken about 1897. Features three people in a cart pulled by a donkey. Driver is Miss Cora Hitchcock, now Mrs. C. B. Matthai of Omaha and Miss May Snyder. This mill was built in…
photo of City Transit Lines bus, at corner of Vine and N. Main. Man standing outside door of bus, pointing forward; driver in bus preparing to pull out onto street.
A Switch Is Thrown . . . by M.E. Rew, adding the first fluoride to city water. Checking fluoridation equipment from left, are: Robert Young, and Carl Blomgren and Daryl Ebert.
Twisted Ruins of Building . . . flattened by fire late Saturday were in the focus of fire officials attempting to determine the cause Monday. Salvage crews worked Monday to untangle the mass of roof and steel that collapsed during the fire at Arnold…
New City Councilmen...review sweeping returns of Monday's city election. They are, left to right: Carl E. Schonberg, Frank L. Griffeth, James P. Mulqueen, Einer P. Juel and Marion L. Shugart.
Site plan by Steel, Weinstein and Associates, Inc. (Architects and Engineers) for proposed Civic Center, including markings for Arena, Theater, Shopping, and Court.
Suggested Civic And Shopping Center...proposed for Council Bluffs under a lease-purchase arrangement is in the area of the old City Auditorium. Legend: T--Theater building with 300 seats; S--Future shops and office space; A--Arena and basketball…