Browse Items (7943 total)

Best Photos of 1962 And Best Stories of 1962

Best Pictures of 1961

Best Pictures of 1960
Best Stories of 1960 missing from envelope; noted 8-22-63

Best Pictures of 1958 and Best Stories of '58

Best Pictures of 1957 and Best Stories (one only) of 1957
See files on Council Bluffs Fires and C.B. Convalescent Home for art on fire at 501 Frank St. 2-13-57

Installation of a new computer for the Area 13 Data Processing Center at the old Treynor Missile Base site is expected to be completed early next week. The computer was being installed this week. Inspecting the equipment are Ed Somer, advisory field…

Area 13 Education Agency (Loess Hills)
Former Treynor Missile Base Hwy 92
Multi-county area school library center set here. February 25, 1966
Area library center for 7 counties. March 20, 1966
In advisory capacity, 15 area appointed to serve…

Amtrak (Railpax) Nat'l RR Passengers Corp.
Milwaukee joins Amtrak route. No date.
Bluffs is on rail network. December 2, 1970
Railpax expansion announced. January 28, 1971
Railpax return of the passenger train. February 10, 1971

Aqua Farms
Biologists employ scientific techniques C.B. men rejuvenate farm ponds. June 3, 1973
Fish thriving on 'Donna farm'. October 18, 1975


Harrison County apples compete for a piece of marketplace pie. March 18, 1987
Woodbine plants lands second grant. May 21, 1987
Cold takes bit out of apple crop. April 20, 1988
Woodbine hopes apples at core of prosperity. April 24,…


Annexation CB & Suburban
5,600 people live on outskirts of Bluffs, but . . . It would be hard to annex suburban area. March 20, 1960
Nonpareil poll indicates . . . Landholders undecided on annexation. September 8, 1963
City to file petitions of…

Bertrand (and Museum
Civil War steamboat which sank in Missouri River
DeSoto Bend Wildlife Refuge

Dodge Memorial, "Ruth Anne Dodge Memorial" (Black Angel)
Anne Dodge asks publicat[tion of] verse on mother's death. Septembe 4, 1927
Winter's magic artistry touches Dodge Memorial. February 27, 1929
C.B. site of one of finest works of famed…

Iowa West's pledge of $125,000 puts library campaign near goal. No date.
New library plan devised. March 6, 1988
Bookmark contest for young readers. April 22, 1988
Program offers kids 'fantasy and wizards'. July 6, 1988
Arizona couple's donation…

Animal shelter
formerly PAWS
15th St. & 28th Ave.
Drive being organized to clean, improve the Bluffs dog pound. April 29, 1964
Newsmen find dog pound here in good condition. April 30, 1964
Animal rescue league forms. May 23, 1964
Plan animal…

1965 (55)
Bergstrom Woodworking Co.
110 South 18th St.

Bergquist, Maurice and Mrs. (Annette) (Carole)
NW Mutual Life Ins.
616 S. 7th St.
divorced from Annette
2nd wife's name is Carol [sic]
See large file on "Historic Homes"

Bentley, Iowa
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