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AAU Women's Basketball
AAU Women's Basketball
AAU Women's Basketball
AAU Women's Basketball
AAU Women's Basketball
Ellen Mosher
Ellen Mosher. . .player-student.
Carol Lancaster
Carol Lancaster . . .player-student-housewife.
Fact Paced Action
Fast Paced Action. . .is readily available at the Council Bluffs Fieldhouse during the Women's AAU Basketball National Tournament. Diana Daniel, of the John F. Kennedy Junior College (Just Fine Kids) moves against Pat Fisher of the Allentown, Pa.,…
A.T. Doyle
A.T. Doyle . . .is a 77-year-old women's basketball enthusiast and followed his favorite team to the national tournament which began Tuesday at Council Bluffs Fieldhouse. Here he chats with some team members of Parsons College. --Nonpareil Photo
Getting Ready
Getting Ready...for the start of the National AAU women's basketball tournament Tuesday are Harley Redin, right, of the eight-time national champion Flying Queens from Wayland College at Plainview, Tex. Clarence Munch, coach of the Style Select team…
Assembled Teams
Assembled Teams . . .stand at attention Tuesday night at Council Bluffs Fieldhouse as a color guard presents the flag for the opening ceremonies of the National Amateur Athletic Union Women's basketball tournament. About 600 fans were on hand for the…
Welcome AAU. Hosts National Meet Second Year Women's Tourney Returns To Bluffs
Welcome AAU. Hosts National Meet Second Year Women's Tourney Returns To Bluffs
Looking Beautiful At 7:30 a.m. Tough
Happily Relaxed...after their announcement as finalists in AAU National Women's Basketball Tournament are Mary Zimmerman, Vicky Porter, Sandy Konrad and EaVon Almquist. Cathy Wilson, the fifth finalist, has to leave for an early game and was not…