Cutting The the grand opening of the new elevator at City Hall Tuesday morning is Mayor Josephy B. Katelman who had asked for the elevator 32 years ago. On hand at the ceremony are Quentin Renshaw, Floyd "Dutch" Kroger, and Mrs. Evelyn…
photo of "Two Brothers" statue at Boystown, with one boy carrying another boy on his back. On the pedestal:
"He ain't Heavy Father...He's m' brother."
Boys Town
Dedicated to helping all youth realize their full potential for God, Self, and…
Mementos...of the re-enactment of the 4,000 mile Lewis and Clark Expedition are few, but Mike Allen, Wes Rasmussen and Scott Neal will never forget their experiences of the past summer. They were among the 31 Scouts and leaders who made the trip…
Community Leaders...are discussing beginning a campaign to establish a Boys Club here. A rendering of a proposed Boys Club building, estimated to cost $150,000, has been completed by Robert Burgin, local architect.
photo of statue, "Boy with the Leaking Boot" in corner of two walls: stone and painted brick; standing on stone slab on top of brick floor.
On back: File-Boy with Leaking Boot
Stamped date: ENTERED SEP 25 1992