Acting Postmaster Thomas Healy represents Council Bluffs postal employees in paying tribute to Gerald W. Kirn. He vacated the postmaster's job Dec. 29 after 21 months of service. Kirn received a briefcase and scroll signed by employees in a ceremony…
About 8,500 of sand was packed around the six dynamite charges on the bridge as a precaution against destructive concussion. Workmen were hoisted to the top of the west end of the span to complete the packing shortly before the detonation.
The river boat Bertrand lies covered with seven feet of water as constant pumping operations drain the pool. Wayne Chord, public use specialist for the DeSoto Bend wildlife refuge said the water should be down in two weeks so workers can begin…
New House of Worship . . . of the Seventh-day Adventists is a stately structure of simulated brick, located on the corner, at 440 E. Pierce St. A side entrance will be marked to direct persons to its newly set up Health and Welfare Center. -…
Ditching operations for a new Bennett Avenue sewer line are shown under way Monday. This view of the project shows the line running northwest toward Bennett Avenue and the new Eastside Junior High from Mosquito Creek. The sewer will serve the…
Architect's Sketch...depicts the long, low lines of the proposed Southwest Iowa Senior Center, Inc., a self-contained community under a single roof for retired persons.
Discussing Church Matters . . . at Gethsemane Presbyterian Church are Pastor John Pettit and Pastor David Leggett of the South Park Church of God. Friends for six years, the two have worked out a cooperative schedule for their respective…
A big part of...Mrs. William (Sharon) Ballenger's life is her duties as guidance counselor at Abraham Lincoln High School. She helps students like senior Dee Christensen plan their futures. Mrs. Ballenger believes that her professional counseling…
Showing Old Bottles...recovered from the sunken steamship Bertrand at DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge is Maia Sornson, curator of the Bertrand artifacts museum. Miss Sornson has been cataloging the millions of items recovered from the wreckage and…
Splintered Garage...shows how the vehicle blazed the end of its trail. The splatters are from oil in the drums which prevented hitting the building at left.
The new shelter house in Albert the Bull Park in Audubon is a memorial to an 18-year-old youth who was fatally injured in an auto accident last year. Audubon County Campers Club built the shelter house as a memorial to Alan Lee Christensen, whose…
Michael J. Kucera, district conservationist for the East Pottawattamie County Soil Conservation Service, stands beside a map that shows soil types and geographic slopes in Iowa. Kucera, who started in the job Dec. 5, oversees activities of two…
The "Happiest Family In The World" . . . will spend the "best Christmas ever" as a result of the reunion of Mrs. Elsie Rhoades Hill with her sons Mike, David and Bobbie, standing, and Richard on the lap of their new father, David Hill.
Before the Board of Supervisors . . . are attorney Lyle Rodenburg (right) and his clients, Phil and Margaret Sherbon. Rodenburg and attorney Matt Walsh, who is representing Cheryl Lary, asked and received a delay of the hearing that will determine…