Browse Items (8059 total)

The high riding object in the distance is a tower for a battery of flood lights. Crisscrossing steel rods and girders in the foreground are part of a pedestrian bridge. Railroad workers should be able to identify the Council Bluffs locale.


Time was when curbside decorations like this were common in Council Bluffs. But the automobile turned them into collectors' items. Chances are, many youngsters don't know what this is. Do you?

Minus its nose ring, the iron horsehead is a hitching…

Commuters who travel Avenue B pass this cornerstone. It marks a building dedicated in 1955 to the teaching of religion.

Answer: The cornerstone is on the educational unit of Epworth Methodist Church, Twenty-fifth Street and Avenue B.

This elaborate stonework crowns the entrance to one of Broadway's most prominent buildings. The letters, ME, appearing in the design, should provide a clue.

Answer: The stonework appears above the entrance to Broadway Methodist Church, Broadway…

This classic face on a downtown building squinted at oodles of theater goers in the heyday of the movies. Recognize the location?

Answer: The front of the Broadway Theater, Broadway at Bryant Street.

This elaborate fixture spreads light near the entrance to the new home of an old, established lodge.

Answer: The light is one of two outside fixtures flanking the entrance to the Masonic Temple, Sixth Street and Willow Avenue.

The rustic setting on the east side of town is part of a school grounds. The gate is a pedestrian entrance to the rear of the grounds. Can you name the scene?

Answer: The Pierce Street pedestrian entrance to Mount Loretto schools.

Behind these doors, science and people work 24 hours a day to perform one of the community's most important services. Recognize the entrance?

Answer: The main entrance to Jennie Edmundson Hospital.

One of the city's newer parks displays this sign. The area, boasting a ball diamond and playground, was developed in the past three years. It has since become one of the most popular parks in town. Know the location?

Answer: Westwood Park lies…

Crowning the doorway of one of the larger downtown office buildings is this unique study in mortar. Do you recognize the trademark?

Answer: The concrete decoration appears above the entrance to the Park Building, 506 Willow Ave.

This kringle and crown, sign of the Royal Bakers of Denmark, hangs above the entrance of a Council Bluffs bakery.

Answer: The kringle and crown hangs above the Axelsen's Bakery, 128 W. Broadway.

This is the top of a local business in downtown Council Bluffs. Know where it is?

Answer: This is the top of the Council Bluffs Credit Bureau building, 305 W. Broadway.

This is the entrance to one of Council Bluffs' churches. Which one?

Answer: The entrance is to St. Paul's Episcopal Church, 233 S. 6th St.

The Council Bluffs camp of the Woodmen of the World erected this plaque 11 years ago to honor Gen. Grenville M. Dodge, distinguished soldier and civil engineer of the last century. Can you give the location?

Answer: The plaque is displayed…

This unusual shaped object is located at a Council Bluffs manufacturing firm.

Answer: The plastic prefabricated storage hut is at the Charles Schneider Co., 518 N. 10th St.

This unusual entrance is to a retail store in downtown Council Bluffs.

Answer: The painting, flower box and decorated door are at the alley entrance to a women's clothing store at 330 W. Broadway.

Anyone who reads much has seen this cornerstone on a public building in Council Bluffs.

Answer: The cornerstone is that of the Free Public Library at Pearl Street and Willow Avenue.

Cornerstone identifies the home of a Council Bluffs lodge. Members should be able to recognize it immediately.

Answer: The cornerstone belongs to Council Bluffs Elks Lodge 531 at 530 First Ave.

The affairs of government are conducted beyond this terrazzo threshold in a public office building. Recognize the floor piece?

Answer: The design appears twice at City Hall, on the floor inside the main entrance and at the doorway to the council…

The message on this cornerstone should be obvious. It refers to a church-affiliated project constructed a year ago, alongside one of the city's most prominent landmarks.

Answer: The inscription is on the educational unit of Broadway Methodist…
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