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Union_Pacific_Locomotive_ 8444_10_03_1982_002.jpg
Admirers of a past railroad era got a chance Saturday to see the 8444 steam locomotive, which was first used in 1944 to haul freight. The locomotive was brought out of storage by Union Pacific Railroad and displayed at the tracks near the Golden…

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Railroad buffs, young and old alike, crowded the Chicago and North Western roundhouse yards Friday to see Union Pacific's 'Old 8444' steam locomotive get turned around. The locomotive, delivered to the railroad in 1944, is fired by oil and weighs…

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Huge Drivers...are 80 inches in diameter and develop a starting tractive force of 63,800 pounds. Many in the crowd at Valley, Neb., held tape recorders near the hissing steam locomotive to record a sound that isn't heard much anymore.

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The Union Pacific's...8444 steam locomotive will be on display at the Golden Spike Monument in Council Bluffs Sept. 27 and 28 as part of the River City Roundup festivities. Crew members will be at the monument from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sept. 28 allowing…

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Billowing Steam...blossoms from the stack of locomotive 8444 in Omaha Sunday. The top of the stack is 16 feet 2 inches above the tracks. The engine has logged more than 1.7 million miles since it was placed in operation in 1944. After refitting in…

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Luxurious Facilities...were available to rail travelers in 1879 when this transfer building was opened here by the Union Pacific Railroad. In 1938, the southern two-thirds of the building, left, were removed to make way for the glass and steel mail…

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New Mail Conveyor...carries mail sacks on enclosed endless belt at left, travels underground to sorting tables at right. Sorted mail is moved on trucks fastened to endless overhead chain that is 2,900 feet long. Control panel for the system is near…

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Council Bluffs, Iowa--Railroads and the Union Pacific roundhouse stabilize the economy of the city.

Mel Heller: "If you don't teach the kids everything in one day, so what? If you do, what are you going teach them tomorrow?"

Former Council Bluffs Superintendents Raj Chopra (left) and William Lepley (center) share a joke with current Superintendent Richard Christie at a rally at the Best Western Frontier Motor Lodge Thursday morning. "The Positive Leadership Rally,…

The new look in architecture provides a frame for this panoramic view of a snow logged neighborhood on a quiet day. Can you recognize the setting?

Answer: The "frame" is a window of DeForest School, 2912 Ninth Ave., looking south on Pine St.

This is the original entrance to one of the hospitals in Council Bluffs, but the doors are no longer accessible from the street. Recognize them?

Answer: The former entrance to Mercy Hospital, located above the present emergency entrance on…

Strong legs and a good set of lungs are vital equipment for persons planning to attack these steps. Quite a few school children and adults use them too, when they're looking for a short cut or a bit of exercise. Can you locate the climb?


These letter boxes rest together because mail carriers are not obliged to make house-to-house calls in places where there are no sidewalks. In this case, the remedy was to put all the boxes together on one corner. Recognize the location?


This sound advice from a great president is as timely today as it was a century ago. The message is carved in stone above the entrance to a public school. Can you name the location?

Answer: The north entrance to Bloomer School, Willow Ave. and…

The split level look in garages made its Council Bluffs debut years ago. This example in the hill district solves a multiple car storage problem. Know the location?

Answer: The garages are the 400-block on Grace St.

Handsome columns set the theme for the architecture of this popular meeting place in downtown Council Bluffs. The view takes in a corner of the second story porch. Can you identify it?

Answer: The Elks Club, 530 First Ave.

This is Muskie Stadium - all lock, stock and barrel of it. An industrious artist carefully lettered the sign and added a husky muskrat, baseball and football. Can you locate the "stadium"?

Answer: The well-labeled "Muskie Stadium" is a vacant lot…

Mormon pioneers and the Kanesville era are commemorated in bronze on this outdoor mural sponsored by an organization of history minded women. Can you identify the monument and its location?

Answer: The bronze mural is part of the boulder monument…

Beneath this bit of fancywork is the doorway to a world of knowledge, information and quiet relaxation. Young and old have made it one of the most popular gathering places in town. Can you identify the building?

Answer: The Free Public Library,…
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