Browse Items (8026 total)

Genealogy A787.tiff
Photograph of Art Rogers.


Portrait of Bassel Fox, Early Citizens of Council Bluffs.

Portrait of Benjamin R. Pegram, Early Citizens of Council Bluffs.

DeForest, Lee B766.jpg
Photograph of bronze bust of Dr. Lee De Forest. E. N. Pickerill and Frederic Allen Williams also pictured.

E. N. Pickerall, 4 Weybridge Road, Meneola, L.I., N.Y.

Mayors C478b.jpg
Portrait of Calchill E. Stone, Early Citizens of Council Bluffs.

Mayors C354.jpg
Portrait of Caleb Baldwin, Early Citizens of Council Bluffs

Fire Dept C468.tiff
Photograph of the Council Bluffs Central Fire Station. Also shows the Council Bluffs Auditorium.

Mayors C437a.jpg
Photograph of Charles B. Jacquemin, mayor of Council Bluffs in 1875.

WWI C667c.jpg
Photograph of Company L Camp, 1917. Location unknown - Most likely Camp Mills located in Nassau County, Long Island, N. Y., about 10 miles from eastern boundary of New York City. Camp Mills received troops prior to their embarkation on…

Portrait of D. K. Doltson, Early Citizens of Council Bluffs.

Mayors D365.jpg
Portrait of Daniel W. Price, Early Citizens of Council Bluffs.

Portrait of David Haines, Early Citizens of Council Bluffs.

Mayors D498.tif
Photograph of Dexter Chamberlain Bloomer, mayor of Council Bluffs in 1869 and 1871.

Portrait of Dexter C. Bloomer, Early Citizens of Council Bluffs.

Mayors D633a.tif
Photograph of Donald Macrae, mayor of Council Bluffs in 1890 and 1891.

Mayors D633.tif
Photograph of Donald Macrae Jr., mayor of Council Bluffs from 1904 to 1907.

Genealogy D797.tiff

Photograph of Dr. W.R. Summers being presented a check for $250.00 by William Ware. The prize was for writing the new Council Bluffs slogan for the Chamber of Commerce.

Portrait of Edmund Jefferies, Early Citizens of Council Bluffs.

Portrait of Edward Everett, Early Citizens of Council Bluffs.
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