Browse Items (8026 total)

Postcard of Pearl Street looking North from Bayliss Park.

Streets P437b.tif
Postcard of Pearl Street, looking north from the Council Bluffs Public Library.

Photograph of Pearl Street, looking south.

Bob Bensley admires his flag creation. "It took 10 years to find just the right shade of colors," he said. Bensley used 901 pencils to make his creation.

Penny Arcade.tif
Photograph of Penny Arcade at Playland Park

Photograph of three women and a child at Lake Manawa.

Business P467.tif
Photograph of the exterior of the Peoples Department Store, Wednesday November 21, 1928 at 3:00 pm.

This Is A Drawing...of the Interstate 80 bridge which will carry traffic between the southwest part of Council Bluffs and Spring Street in Omaha. The Omaha side is in the foreground.

Fire Fighters - Persia Fire 10-31-1957.tif
Photograph of fire damage. Persia, IA.

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Fire Fighters - Virgil Miller, Myron Albers, Mike Hughes.tif
Photograph of fire fighters Virgil Miller, Myron Albers, and Mike Hughes.

Modern truck serves as background for hand-pulled hose cart held by Asst. Chief Virgil Miller and fireman Myron Albers. Chief D. L. (Mike) Hughes stands in shadow of the old…

Postcard of the Peru Plow & Implement Co.

Council_Bluffs_Schools_Peterson Elementary_09_15_1957_001.jpg
Light and Airy: Abandoning the customary monumental design of earlier school construction, the new 13-room Peterson grade school was given a "California" motif. The structure at Twenty-sixth Ave. and Ninth St., photographed from the northeast, is…

This Is It . . . all the wires and gadgets needed to run a telephone company, a small one like the one at Hancock. But soon this tiny, independently-owned operation may be part of the past, if its stockholders vote to put in a direct dial system.

This House In Downtown Hancock . . . includes a small telephone office at the left and an apartment on the right occupied by the night operator. When the night operator goes to bed, she connects a bell that rings in her apartment when someone wants…

Portrait of Adam V. Larimar, Early Citizens of Council Bluffs.

Portrait of Amanda (Bell) Fox, Early Citizens of Council Bluffs.

Portrait of Amelia Jenks Bloomer, Early Citizens of Council Bluffs.

Portrait of Andrew C. Graham, Early Citizens of Council Bluffs.

Dodge, Anne A564.tif
Photograph of Anne Dodge and her nurse
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