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Photograph of the funeral procession for J. L. Moore
A photograph of the funeral procession of J. L. Moore on September 15, 1899.
Old soldiers section - Kinsman area - Fairview Cemetery - Council Bluffs, Iowa
Burial details and map for the Kinsman section of the Fairview Cemetery. Researched by Roy D. Linn - Graves Officer, William Kinsman Camp #23 - Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War.
Council Bluffs, 1916
A panoramic photograph of Council Bluffs in 1916.
Tags: 1916, aerial, church buildings, Council Bluffs, courthouses, panoramic, streets
Fireman statue
Two photographs of a statue of a firefighter located at the old Central Station - 29 North Main St.
Tags: Fire Department, Fire Stations, statues
Fire in Council Bluffs
A photograph of the Council Bluffs Fire Department fighting a fire.
Tags: 2005, fire, Fire Department
Our Right to Vote 2020
A panel discussion featuring State Representative MaryAnn Hanusa, Congresswoman Cindy Axne, Senator Joni Ernst and members of the AAUW: Loess Hills Branch of Iowa.
The year 2020 marks the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment,…
The year 2020 marks the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment,…
Tags: 1920, 2020, women's rights, women's suffrage
Council Bluffs Changing Scene
In 1887, the junction of Main and Pearl Streets looked like this. The little building that looks like a popcorn stand was the city scales. There were hitching posts along the streets and all wiring was suspended on cross-arm poles. There were…
Tags: City Scales, Haymarket, Main Street, Pearl Street
Council Bluffs Changing Scene
Citizens in derby hats and high button shoes stood stiffly in front of the old First National Bank in this 1887 picture. The Kimball and Champ Building stood at the corner of Main St. and Broadway. The First National was one of the earliest city…
Council Bluffs Changing Scene
In 1887, St. Francis Xavier Academy stood at the corner of Seventh St. and Fifth Ave. The building, then surrounded by young trees and a white rail fence, was used as an exclusive girls school which attracted students from all over the Midwest. At…
Today It Is Being Razed
More recently used as a classroom building and convent for St. Francis students and teachers, it has outlived its usefulness. The convent was moved into a new building at left. New additions in the lower picture include street paving, street…
The Council Bluffs Changing Scene
This was the main dormitory and administration building of the Iowa School for the Deaf as it looked in 1887. In 1902, the building burned. Note the wagon trail across the foreground and the row of trees. The lawn was more like a pasture.
Today...a modern fireproof building has replaced the old structure. It was complete four years after the fire. The wagon trail and most of the small elms are gone but the smooth lawn of the School has an abundance of shade trees. The tower on the…
Tags: Iowa School for the Deaf, schools
Council Bluffs Changing Scene
This is the way the Glen Avenue water reservoir appeared in 1887. Although fenced, the open body of water was the scene of several drownings. Note the wooden stairway leading up to the reservoir and the house at right.
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Today...the 2,000,000 gallon capacity reservoir has been capped. The job was completed in the fall of 1942. Much of the heavy shrubbery has disappeared off the hill behind, although this picture was taken in the winter. A caretaker used to live in…