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  • Tags: Iowa Highway Commission

Biggest Single Job . . . on the Highway 2-275 construction project is the building of a box culvert to replace a bridge across a ravine south of Sydney.

Among A Dozen . . . small jobs that make the 3.2 mile project a bustling scene is this concrete culvert near the junction with Highway 42.

Discussing Highways . . . in Southwest Iowa are District Engineer Robert Given and Highway Commissioner Everett Shockey with legislators Rep. Scherle, Sen. Shoeman, Sen. Hoxie, Rep. Ossian, Sen. Wearin, all seated; Rep. Kluever, Rep. McElroy, …

Facing Highway 192 . . . inspecting group is briefed on southside traffic problems by W.D. Cairney, right. Others, from left, are Howard B. Heischer, Jo S. Stong, Robert Keir, L.M. Clauson, Robert Sutton, Robert Given and Everett Shockey. New state…

Reviewing Maps . . . of completed land acquisitions are Willis Youells and Herbert Holden, who are closing up the highway right-of-way office at 500 Mynster St.

Main Secretarial Office . . . of Iowa Highway Commission building manned by secretaries Mrs. Chris Allen and Mrs. Linda Shank.

New Resident Engineers Office . . . for Iowa Highway Commission is located at 3538 So. 4th St., on Highway 192.

The Tentative Route . . . of the proposed Interstate Highway through west Council Bluffs is shown by dotted lines. The "X" indicates the point where a new park was to be located.

This aerial photograph of Council Bluffs shows the route of the Interstate Highway System (heavy black lines) as it affects the area west of Sixteenth Street. In the center of the picture is the major interchange that will carry traffic between…

The Business District . . . of Loveland consists of five establishments along one and one-half blocks of Highway 75. Trees at far right obscure the residential section.

From The Opposite End . . . of town the business section looks like this. The east-west Interstate Highway, when it comes, will cut across the present Highway 75 a short distance beyond the point where the truck is seen entering town.

Temporary End Of The Line . . . for the North Sixteenth Street paving is the Illinois Central Railroad track (alongside poles). Dotted lines show the approximate route the road will take north to link up with an Interstate Highway interchange, which…

Shaking On Agreement . . . to cooperate in Interstate Bridge construction are L.M. Clauson and John Hossack. Nebraska Gov. Frank Morrison, second from left, and Iowa Gov. Harold Hughes look on.

Manmade Peninsula . . . extends into the Missouri River to allow workmen to work on piers for the new Interstate Highway Bridge between Council Bluffs and Omaha. The pier at the end of the sand jetty is the only one in the river. Four are in various…
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