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Council Bluffs Changing Scene--Dohany's Opera House as 554 W. Broadway, is shown as it appeared in the booklet, Council Bluffs Illustrated, published in 1889.
["Today" photography not present in the file, but the caption for the photo in the…

Today...the same building at 1703 Tostevin shows few structural changes when compared with the original sketch, but has been converted to apartments and is owned by William Kemmish. The large elm at right appears to be the same as the small tree in…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--High on a bluff overlooking Tostevin and Graham Avenues is the residence of W.O. Gordon as it appeared in the booklet Council Bluffs Illustrated published in 1889. Typical of large homes of the times, the big brick…

Today...the same location is minus the bridge. A lower bridge across the old street car cut has been built and removed. In WPA days the deep cut was filled, banks sloped, and landscaped, and just last year paving was laid through the drive.

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--Back in the horse and buggy days, even before the electric cars ran into Fairmount Park, the deep cut near the Graham Ave. entrance looked like this. Sketch was made by Gail Connelly, park department employe [sic],…

Gayle Gosnell: Council Bluffs Woman Disappeared After Being Granted Recent Furlough

Gayle Jeane Gosnell: Re-arrested in Oklahoma after having disappeared on furlough Aug. 18.

Today...the same street takes on a much more modern appearance, though many of the buildings are the same as in the 1900 picture. New buildings, plus new fronts, and new paving, minus the street cars and buggies change the scene. The original photo…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--Broadway, looking east from Fourth St., is shown as it appeared about the turn of the century. The Nonpareil was published in the IOOF Building at that time, street cars rumbled up and down the main street, among the…

Today...the building, with comparatively few changes on the exterior, houses the C.A. Olmstead market. However, the street level at the intersection of Benton St. and Broadway appears to have been raised several feet. on top, the building still…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--The Wheeler-Herald Block at 134 E. Broadway looked like this back in 1889 when this sketch appeared in the Council Bluffs Illustrated booklet. At that time, the building housed the Wheeler-Herald bottling works. Note…

Today...modern Bloomer School stands in the same location at Willow Ave. and 7th St. It was build just 30 years ago when the old school was removed. The old illustrated booklet on Council Bluffs comes from Anita Baum, 515 4th St., and is part of a…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--Bloomer School, as shown in a booklet "Council Bluffs of 1889" was one of 15 buildings then in the public school system which cost the city the sum total of $215,800. (That's considerably less than a single building…

Today...with some face lifting and decorating the building is still used as a laundry, including the old YMCA location. The old time picture was taken from a post card furnished by L.J. Bussey, who now operates the business.

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--In the early part of the century the Bluff City Laundry, located a 22 North Main St., used a fleet of horse and wagons for delivery service with the help of one truck. Building at right was the second location of the…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--The old Merriam block, as viewed from Willow Ave. and Main St., was a fine three-story building, with lots of fancy trim. It housed many store rooms on the ground floor, in addition to offices, clubrooms and--at one…

Today...the building occupies the same site, but the name has been changed to Ogden Hotel. Its appearance has changed considerably. Part of the fourth floor was burned by a fire in 1871 and the rest of the building has been remodeled. The building…
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