In A Dark Alley...patrolman Merle Brown finds his 85-pound German Shepherd Boots, is a good companion. The dog is used to help him check business places.
Although some people might find the large scaffolding in front of Rank's Department Store less than attractive, photographer Don Wright snapped this study in symmetry and geometric design. Ranks is remodeling the front of its building.
Aiko Yoshikawa, left, and Jacqueline Roy, right, foreign exchange students from Japan and France, share state tournament cheers with Judy Pedersen, center, Abraham Lincoln senior, as A.L. advanced to the basketball finals. "It's so exciting, " Aiko…
Council Bluffs is treated to a canopy of rolling clouds Saturday morning following a .5 inch rainfall. This picture was taken on Broadway at Fourth Street by Jack Kennedy, Nonpareil photographer.
Two-Story House...fell into its own basement after it was undermined by heavy rains. The house was moved to a new foundation at Fifteenth Street and Avenue H within the past week.
Jutting McPaul derailment, this flat car didn't get into orbit Tuesday. Its load, polished slabs of granite, slid off, foreground. Other picture on page 5.
The Spider...pulled down a great share of Lynx rebounds. Paul Merkuris (52) looks like he used four arms and four legs on this effort, as a T.J. defender flounders behind him.
With Aid Of Walking Sticks...Fireman Robert Carroll, an unidentified man, and Policemen C.E. Moore, Ronald Stevens, John Schweer, Herbert Mace and William Lane continue on their long trek to Missouri Valley and Back [sic].