Examining Fishing Lures . . . are son Dan Lepley and dad William. They enjoy fishing "on the dock" at Lake Manawa. "We haven't caught much, but we enjoy it," the superintendent said.
Greeting . . . the new Council Bluffs Schools superintendent, Dr. William L. Lepley, is School Board veteran member Kenneth Petersen (left). Petersen has been on the board for six years and is the longest standing member. Lepley started his Bluffs…
Renovation and construction at Hoover Elementary, 1205 North Broadway, is estimated to cost about $1.77 million. Hoover is one of four buildings included in Phase 1 of the Council Bluffs Community Schools' Elementary Improvement Program. Work at…
Renovation and construction at Hoover Elementary, 1205 North Broadway, is estimated to cost about $1.77 million. Hoover is one of four buildings included in Phase 1 of the Council Bluffs Community Schools' Elementary Improvement Program. Work at…
Custodian Ernie Reninger...starts to clean up the mess in one of two rooms at Hoover School which were damaged by fire early Tuesday morning. Larry Dagit, school district business manager, looks over the situation.
Hoover School...was the first new educational building in Council Bluffs since 1939. It was constructed in October of 1950. Soon after it was built, many other schools began going up in the city.